Biden wrote college recommendation letter for son of Hunter’s Chinese business partner

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

According to authenticated emails from the laptop of Hunter Biden, Democrat President Joe Biden- Hunter’s father- once wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of a Chinese business partner, who is associated with the Chinese Communist Party, and the recommendation went directly to the University President.

And the White House refuses to address the issue.

Smacking of the cronyism and corruption by the elite in DC, this story begs the question of voters- what do you see in Biden that is so wonderful? One US Senator wants to know.

Fox News released the following in their exclusive report on the email for the Chinese national:

 Biden, in 2017, wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of a Chinese executive who did business with Hunter Biden, according to emails reviewed by Fox News Digital.

The president has repeatedly denied discussing Hunter’s business ventures with his son.

Fox News Digital obtained emails between Hunter Biden and his business associates involved in his firm Rosemont Seneca’s joint venture with Chinese investment firms Bohai Capital and BHR.

Hunter held a 10% stake in BHR as recently as last year, the White House previously acknowledged. Hunter’s attorney told the New York Times in November that he had since divested.

In an email dated Jan. 3, 2017, and sent to Hunter Biden and his business associates Devon Archer and Jim Bulger, CEO of BHR Jonathan Li writes:

“Gentlmen[sic], please find the attached resume of my son, Chris Li. He is applying the following colleges for this year,” Li writes, listing Brown University, Cornell University, and New York University.

Li goes on to attach an “updated version” of his son’s “CV” in a subsequent email.

US Rep Darrell Issa reported that Hunter is now “on notice” for destroying evidence.

It has been reported that a massive amount of information, including emails and photos, have been uncovered, which were deleted from the laptop, apparently, before Hunter Biden turned the laptop into a repair shop in Delaware, adding even more mystery the entire saga.

Blackburn slammed the Bidens:

Fox reported on the newly emerged email:

Hunter’s associate, James Bulger, cc’ing Hunter and Archer, replies, saying they have “received the updated version of the CV.”

“Lets [sic] see how we can be helpful here to Chris,” Bulger writes.

Several weeks later, on Feb. 18, 2017, Eric Schwerin, who served as president of Rosemont Seneca, replied to Li.

“Jonathan, Hunter asked me to send you a copy of the recommendation letter that he asked his father to write on behalf of Christopher for Brown University,” Schwerin wrote.

“The original is being FedExed to Dr. Paxson directly at Brown,” Schwerin wrote. “It should be there by Tuesday at the latest (given Monday is a holiday here in the U.S.). Let us know if you have any questions. Best, Eric.”

Dr. Christina Paxson is the president of Brown University.

Li replied: “Hi Eric, Just see the email. It is just great! Thank you very much!”

“And Hunter, thank you very much too,” Li continued. “All the best to you all.”

Fox News Digital could not review the recommendation letter Joe Biden purportedly wrote for Li’s son.

Copies of the emails are published in the Fox News story.

The new information about the Biden family’s involvement in issues of national security with the CCP comes at a time when

When asked for comment, the White House told me: “We don’t comment on the laptop.”

The White House is keeping quiet about a lot.

Blackburn appeared with Maria Bartiromo to talk about the Bidens and said, “Hunter Biden exploited his family name, and Joe Biden and Ron Klain are trying to keep it “low, low key.”

Biden’s White House chief of staff Ron Klain reached out to Hunter Biden in September 2012 for help in raising $20,000 for the Vice President’s Residence Foundation (VPRF), telling him to “keep this low key” to prevent “bad PR,” according to emails reviewed by Fox News Digital.

Klain, who had left his chief of staff position in then-Vice President Biden’s office a year earlier but was the foundation’s chairman at the time of the emails, told Hunter that he needed to “tackle a piece of unpleasant business” and needed Hunter’s help.

The Vice President’s Residence Foundation is a nonprofit entity used to assist in preserving and furnishing the vice president’s official residence located on U.S. Naval Observatory grounds.

“The tax lawyers for the VP Residence Foundation have concluded that since the Cheney folks last raised money in 2007 and not 2008, we actually have to have some incoming funds before the end of this fiscal year (i.e., before 9/30/12 – next week) to remain eligible to be a ‘public charity,’” Klain said in an email to Hunter.

There have been no statements from the White on any of the issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s pay for play allegations- other than from Joe Biden to tell us there is nothing to see here.

Source: The Republic Brief