Biden admin. launches airstrike in Syria, welcomes nuclear talks with Iran & to send $3B to Ukraine

President Joe Biden waves after returning to the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022. Biden and his family spent time in Delaware for summer vacation. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Joe Biden waves after returning to the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022. Biden and his family spent time in Delaware for summer vacation. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:25 PM PT – Thursday, August 25, 2022

Air-strikes in Syria, nuclear negotiations with Iran and more aid to Ukraine are all on the Biden administration’s foreign policy agenda this week.

On Tuesday night, the US central command (CENTCOM) confirmed a series of successful precision air-strikes in Syria targeting terrorists with ties to the Iranian Guards Corps.

Reports said guided bomb units were dropped from four F-15s and F-16s. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby commended the move. He stressed that the strikes were necessary to prevent future attacks on American troops.

“As you heard from CENTCOM, these strikes were a direct response to attacks and ongoing threats against U.S. forces by Iran-backed groups, just like the ones we saw on August 15th,” said Kirby. “As before, we don’t seek escalation, but we remain prepared to respond to any ongoing threat. We took this action because the President determined it was in our national interest to do so.”

Kirby also touched on the developing talks between European, Iranian and American diplomats regarding the resurrection of the 2015 nuclear deal. 

Israeli officials, including its current Prime Minister and last two Prime Minsters, have all come out against America agreeing to the deal. They all warned of the devastating impact the deal would have on Israel. 

Despite these calls, Kirby is echoing the Biden administration’s talking point that a return to a nuclear deal with Iran is the best course of action if the world wants to see a denuclearized Iran. 

“A nuclear-armed Iran would serve as an even greater threat to US forces, friends and allies in the region,” stated Kirby. “No problem in the Middle East gets easier to solve with a nuclear armed Iran. That’s why we’re so focused on a diplomatic outcome to that, to see that result in a return to the JCPOA. But I think it’s important to be clear whether or not we reach a return to the JCPOA, the president’s commitment to protect U.S. personnel and confront Iran’s malign behaviors in the region that jeopardize our people or our friends will stay unwavering.”

Meanwhile, on the Ukraine front, the Biden administration is looking to fork over another three-billion-dollars worth of military aid to the country to celebrate the sixth month mark of the crisis with Russia. Reports say that the military industrial complex has already contributed $10-point-six-billion worth of equipment to Ukraine. Kirby embattled former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and many members of the United Nations Security council who decried Russia’s efforts in Ukraine.

They all seemed to be in agreement that Russia needs to be punished while Ukraine needs to be held up. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, shared her support for country.

“Let’s be clear. The international community will never recognize Russia’s attempt to change Ukraine’s borders by force,” Thomas-Greenfield said. 

Meanwhile, recent analyses of Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy, has concluded that his method has been destructive to the international community and to America’s image on the world stage.  

Former Trump administration Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, David Schenker, combated the Biden administration’s assertion that the Middle East is the most stable it’s been in years. Schenker pointed out that Iraq has fallen prey to the influence of Iranian terrorists and bolstering the Ayatollah’s geo-political position in the region. 

Additionally, other experts ingrained in the fabric of America’s foreign policy, including former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, have lamented that America’s foreign policy now has no compass, predicting a greater war with Russia and China could come about if the Biden administration keeps course.

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Source: One America News