Bannon launches a tirade against former Trump official ‘Nothing Gets Me Worked Up’

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

This week, Steve Bannon attacked former attorney general Bill Barr for being a “sell-out” who turned against President Donald Trump.

As part of the War Room Podcast, Bannon discussed Barr’s appearances on liberal media shows to promote his new book.

“Well, he’s Walter Mitty. He’s a nerd and been a nerd all of his life. He not only stabbed Trump in the back, he stabbed the nation in the back. On this hard drive from hell, what he did, he suppressed this information so that what the elites in our country were doing, compromised by the Chinese Communist Party and all of the situation in Ukraine, stealing money with both hands,” Bannon asserted.

“Barr, It’s all going to come out… And we’re going to have a field day going into the details of what a total and complete scumbag you are… You had this in December of 2019 (Hunter’s laptop) and you actively suppressed it from the people of the United States… Don’t worry about joining a law firm. You better lawyer up… Nothing gets me worked up as much as these guys, the scum of the Bush, that are just complete filth and trash. And we’re going to do it with facts. We’re going to walk you through the facts of what Bill Barr knew and when he knew it. And Chris Wray. Throw Chris Wray into the pile too,” Bannon continued.


In an attempt to promote his new book, Barr is speaking negatively about former President Donald Trump in the media.

In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Barr discussed his new memoir, including an embarrassing moment in the Oval Office.

When The Associated Press reported that Barr had claimed the Justice Department had found no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, Barr had his first encounter with then-President Trump.

Barr told Michael Balsamo of the AP that the DOJ had investigated some of these accusations, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Trump became “enraged” over this and slammed his fist on the Resolute Desk, Barr said.

Here’s the exchange between Barr and Lester Holt:

BARR: “And I told him that all this stuff was bulls**t and — about election fraud. And, you know, I was wrong to be shoveling it out the way his team was, and he started asking me about different theories, and I had the answers. I was able to tell him, this is wrong because of this.”

HOLT: “You’re trying to set him straight.”

BARR: “Yes. And, you know, he listened. He was obviously getting very angry about this. I said okay, look, I understand you’re upset with me and I’m perfectly happy to tend to my resignation, and then — boom!”

HOLT: “He slaps the desk?”

BARR: “He slapped the desk and he said ‘accepted, accepted.’ And then — boom! He slapped it again. ‘Accepted. Go home, don’t go back to your office, go home. You’re done.’”

As Barr claimed in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he “confronted” Trump about his claims about voter fraud in the 2020 election and told him they were “bullshit.”

He wrote in his book that he told Trump during their meeting on December 1, 2020 that the latter had “wheeled out a clown show” of lawyers to pursue his baseless accusations. Barr stated that after accepting Barr’s resignation, Trump slammed his hands on his desk angrily.

Here’s an excerpt from Barr’s book:

The first day of December 2020, almost a month after the presidential election, was gray and rainy. That afternoon, President Trump, struggling to come to terms with the election result, had heard I was at the White House for another meeting and sent word that I was to come see him immediately. I knew what was coming.

Over the preceding weeks, I had been increasingly concerned about claims by the president and the team of outside lawyers advising him that the election had been “stolen” through widespread voting fraud. I had no doubt there was some fraud in the 2020 presidential elections.

There’s always some fraud in an election that large. But the Justice Department had been looking into the claims made by the president’s team, and we had yet to see evidence of fraud on the scale necessary to change the outcome of the election.

On Monday, Trump issued the following statement: ‘Bill Barr said, and just reiterated, that the Trump campaign was ‘spied on’, but did nothing about it. Mail-in ballots are prone to fraud,’ and then did nothing to catch the fraudsters.’

‘He was so afraid of being impeached, that he went to the other side—and they left him alone. Barr was a ‘Bushie’ who never had the energy or competence to do the job that he was put in place to do.’

Barr responded that Trump ‘throws a tantrum and attacks the person personally.’

Source: The Republic Brief