Bannon Has a BOMBASTIC Plan To Change America, And Democrats Like it!

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Steve Bannon, a former banker with Goldman Sachs, called for the end of the Federal Reserve at the Cattleman’s Ball at CPAC in Texas on Saturday, saying fat cat bankers like Goldman Sachs have taken too much power away from the American people.

“We don’t need to audit the fed; we need to end the fed,” Bannon, who daily advocates giving power back to the American people through a system of Economic Nationalism and America First policies on his War Room program, masterfully said at the event where he was the keynote speaker.

Bannon said that the Fed has “usurped the power of the American people” in his exhilarating speech to voters, saying he expected that those voters, after hearing about the danger of democracy from the lapdog media, would deliver to the left a “democracy suppository” during the upcoming mid-term elections in November.

Bannon said in the speech, smashing the Federal Reserve and the bankers responsible for it:

“0.5% of the citizen of this country own more assets than the bottom 90%, that’s all happened over the last ten years, since 2008. Now, we took a monetary base of what back in the 80s of what eight hundred billion dollars when the Fed’s balance sheet was 880 billion dollars under President Bush, Right? The balance sheet of the FED is nine point five trillion dollars today; the debt is 30 trillion dollars.

We have 100 to 150 trillion dollars contingent liabilities, all just because of their Prime Reserve currency; the greatest export we have is the dollar. Still, all of that rests on the shoulders of our children and our grandchildren. Those are all bills that will come due.

“All we’ve done is cranked up; we just cranked everything up. That’s where they talk about these ridiculous, insane bills of trillions of dollars because the Federal Reserve will print the money. The Federal Reserve, by the way, is owned not by the American people but by a central bank owned by 24 prime Brokers, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.

How does that work? And governors that are selected, and the best Governor we’ve had in the Federal Reserve, are right here in Dallas. Richard Fisher, who told you what was going to happen by going too negative interest rates, told you what was going to happen by printing all this money.

And having four, five, six trillion dollars, seven trade dollars, eight trillion dollars, and now 9 trillion dollars in the Federal Reserve balance sheet.

You talk about inequality. It’s not a fifteen-dollar minimum wage; that’s tip money. That’s how the administrative state pays for itself. We don’t need to audit the FED. We need to end the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has usurped its power in the power of the American people and our elected representatives, and no, they do not have the consent of the governed. We will not comply, we will not submit, and it must be ended.”


The Daily Mail reported about Bannon with some more details:

“He turned his populist guns on the central bank in one of the fiercest parts of his speech on Friday.

The Fed has aggressively printed trillions of dollars in an effort to keep the economy afloat since the pandemic began.”

‘It’s the biggest con they have,’ he said.

And not only were Republican-Conservative voters agreeing with him.

Democrats on the left agree with Bannon.  And that is exactly what the RINO-Left- never Trumpers fear the most- Unity between the left and right.

One self-proclaimed leftist started a conversation online that had some interesting responses:

“Steve Bannon calls for abolishing the Federal Reserve and explains how their fraudulent activity greatly contributes to a growing wealth divide in the world. If you consider yourself “left,” do you agree? Perhaps this is where the people can unite,” DJ Donnellon wrote.

Donnellon described himself as a former far leftist.

“I used to identify as “left,” “far left” actually, I used to think the wealth divide was the biggest problem in our world and that greedy people were responsible. It’s not that I don’t think that anymore, but I realize now there is a MUCH bigger spiritual picture going on here.”

“As for the wealth gap and a minority owning most of America, the left has been screaming this for years, but the right claps back with ‘ Hey, if they can do so, can we, don’t be jealous’ Can we all Unite to even the fields? I do concur sir,” one respondent wrote.

After some discussion about Tax cuts, with the regular talking points, the original poster came back in and said, “Yeah, most of the politicians associated with the “right” have done terrible things for our society; I certainly don’t support most of what either of the Republican or Democrat parties do. I’m just asking people who generally disagree with Bannon if they agree with him here.”

He got an agreement:

“The federal reserve is allowed to print money without authorization from Congress or the president. This affects all of us and devalues all of our money, and it needs to stop as we are about $30-$60 trillion in debt (low est.) and at some point or economy will crash because of it.”

Source: The Republic Brief