Anthony Fauci Asks China for Wuhan Lab Workers’ Medical Records to Confirm Trump’s Intel Report

Dr. Anthony Fauci finally asked China to release medical records of the Wuhan lab workers to confirm Donald Trump’s intelligence report from more than a year ago.

“I would like to see the medical records of the three people who are reported to have got sick in 2019. Did they really get sick, and if so, what did they get sick with?” the Financial Times wrote, reporting Fauci’s request.

“The same with the miners who got ill years ago . . . What do the medical records of those people say?” Fauci continued. “Was there [a] virus in those people? What was it? It is entirely conceivable that the origins of Sars-Cov-2 was in that cave and either started spreading naturally or went through the lab.”

China’s release of the medical records could confirm Trump’s intelligence claims from May 1, 2020, that the coronavirus originated from a Chinese lab leak in Wuhan at the Institute of Virology, which Fauci admittedly funded with nearly $600,000 taxpayer dollars.

The requested records concern three researchers in the lab and six miners who fell ill after entering a bat cave in 2012. “Scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology subsequently visited the cave to take samples from the bats. Three of the miners died,” the Times explains.

Fauci’s request came as former White House coronavirus testing czar Adm. Brett Giroir said Thursday there is “no data” to support Fauci’s claim of the coronavirus evolving from nature.

Emails obtained from Fauci also reveal a top Scripps Researcher was concerned the coronavirus could “look engineered.”

“We have a good team lined up to look very critically at this, so we should know much more at the end of the weekend,” the researcher wrote Fauci in the email on February 1, 2020.

The White House, reportedly, is actively looking to dump Fauci amid recent flip-flopping and the released emails that show contradictions regarding the pandemic response. Fauci has dropped in public confidence by 42.2 percent since last year.

Trump has since demanded China pay ten trillion dollars in reparations to the United States for coronavirus deaths and destruction, as the country spent $13 trillion battling the virus.


Source: Breitbart News