How African-Americans Will Vote Trump In 2020

African-American-voteBY ROGER L SIMON DECEMBER 9, 2016  | PJ Media

While Barack Obama is complaining about Russian hackers supposedly monkeying with the U.S. election—he’s far more upset with Russia for that than for actually invading the Crimea—and Hillary Clinton is whining about “fake news” (not including her landing under fire in Bosnia), a real revolution is occurring under their noses here in the USA.

Donald Trump is rapidly becoming popular for getting things done. It’s not just the booming stock market. Even Democrats are starting to like him or at least tolerate him … well, some of them anyway.

In fact, this sea change is undoubtedly a large part of what’s instigating the continued whining and complaining that could escalate soon enough into panic when Trump starts to break down the walls of the last bastion of the Democratic Party—identity politics—  as he seems bent on doing.

A simple way exists to do just that, one that is a win-win for our minorities and for the America public. And that method would be aimed at all economically disadvantaged communities, not just African-American or Hispanic, because that would be racist and perpetuate identity politics, not end it, right?

As I said, the method is simple. Three to five trillion dollars—no one knows the exact total, but a huge amount of money—belonging to U.S. corporations sits overseas, avoiding onerous American corporate tax rates. Apple, as we know, has tons of it. The Trump tax plan is to lower those corporate taxes from 35% (one of the highest in the world ) to 15% (among the lowest) to encourage companies to do business here. Good idea—or should we say at long last? There’s also a plan being floated to charge 10% as a one time incentive for the corporations to bring those trillions back to the USA straight away.

What if that 10% … >>> Continue

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