Adam Schiff Will Keep Digging Until He Gets Trump – Or Trump Gets Him

By George Barron

One of the reasons that Adam Schiff now wants to fast track his so-called impeachment investigation is because he’s learned that Trump can strike back at lightning speed. Trump’s latest strike back was the quick release of the telephone transcript of his conversation with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky.  As is often the case, Trump is a few steps ahead of Schiff and his band of tyrants. But Schiff is relentless. Democrats have sworn to impeach Donald Trump even before he was elected and Shifty Adam Schiff, the cold stone liar, is their point man.

If we’ve learned anything in the past three years, it is that Adam Schiff and the Democrats will never give up what is now their only congressional duty; overturning the election of 2016 by removing the duly elected President of the United States.  And as each scheme fails, they will introduce another.

In their latest attempt, they abused the anonymity of the whistleblower program to completely mischaracterize Trump’s conversation with Zelensky. It might have worked except that Trump released the actual transcript, exposing Adam Schiff’s lies. But Schiff apparently thinks the basic concept of hiding the identity of an accuser is sound – if only they could find one that Trump can’t discredit so quickly. That’s why a second whistleblower has now come forward. And Schiff has made it clear that he will find more as necessary to ‘uncover evidence’ that will be used to impeach the president.

But Trump is getting tired of Schiff’s lying and cheating. Trump is now well aware that working with rough and tough business people is much easier than getting along with the slimy low lifes in Washington and their partners in the mainstream press.  Trump is about to take his gloves off and Schiff will not believe the shit storm that he will soon be facing.

There will be no end to Adam Schiff until there is an end to Adam Schiff as a committee leader. And Trump never gives up until he wins. Only one of them will be left standing.