Spies Around Every Corner In Washington Out To Get Trump

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)


The following article that appeared at PJ Media is about spies in Washington that are working to overthrow their own government. There’s no other way to put it. The former Obama administration has either purposely or inadvertently left behind loyalists that are actively involved in discrediting and undermining the Trump administration.

If you’re following Twitter, you’ve noticed a great deal of Democrat/Deep State chatter hinting darkly at Russian involvement in the election of Donald Trump, his business dealings with Putin’s regime, and the alleged penetration of the administration by Russian agents or agents-of-influence. Now, one former spy has had enough:

According to former Vice President Biden, there’s been an on-going investigation into the alleged connections between Trump and Russia. All of us should take heart in knowing that the system is functioning exactly as designed.
However, some of America’s spies are deciding that that’s not enough. For reasons of misguided righteousness or partisan hatred, they’ve taken it upon themselves to be judge, jury, and executioner. They have prosecuted their case in the court of public opinion, with likeminded media outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, and the Washington Post serving as court stenographers.

Elected by no one, responsible only to each other, these spies have determined that Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Days ago, they delivered their verdict. According to one intelligence official, the president “will die in jail.”

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