We Are Watching A Game of Jenga Called Trump Or Them

We Are Living in A Game of Jenga
The holidays are a time for family gatherings and, in keeping with that tradition, one evening our family gathered around for a fun, but rather challenging building block game called Jenga. The game becomes more and more exciting for both the players and onlookers, especially as it gets closer to the visually unstable ending, where one bad-move, as President Trump might call it, will cause the tall stack of building blocks to come crashing down.

But, suffice to say, as we sat around enjoying each of our grandchildren attempt to delicately remove each block without causing the entire structure to fall down, the thought came crashing-into-my-mind that life on the edge in America today is very similar to the children’s game of Jenga, where just one-bad-move could bring the total destruction of our society as we know it. Which, as you might imagine, would no longer be a fun game, even for the onlookers.


As a former New York City Police Officer, I thoroughly agree with Dan Bongino as he described the ongoing crime spree from within the highest echelon of our own government as, “The greatest fraud ever committed against the American people…” Dan also used the investigative policy known as MRR or Memorandum Report which, under normal circumstances, has a first or initial paragraph and/or page to describe when and where such a massive syndicate of crimes began and how it evolved into today’s monumental state of corruption, denial, and subterfuge against the American people and our systems of laws and order.

There has always been a criminal enterprise working clandestinely within our government, simply because power corrupts. But, in all the 242 year history of America, there has never been anything close to the poisoning of our political system of government as our current cabal of evildoers has done. And so, for all intents and purposes, the first paragraph of our MRR will begin with the name: Nancy Pelosi. In 2008, she became BHO’s gift that keeps on giving, when she fraudulently certified him to be eligible to run for POTUS, which is the one and only reason why she will again be the new speaker of the house in 2019. And, just in case there were any doubts in your mind, BHO still owns/controls the DNC. And, that’s why.

Our MRR might drill-down like this: The newly formed state of Hawaii began almost immediately to fraudulently certify thousands of illegal immigrant infants under what became known as “late register births”, making millions of dollars for themselves by giving these illegal babies, born in other third world countries, the rights to state and federal assistance. None of these children had a right to American citizenship, including the then Barry Soetoro, and Barry and his advisors knew this. And, as a footnote, they have, to this day, used the potential discovery of this illegal policy to guarantee Hawaii’s silence.

But, when it came time for the state of Hawaii to falsify the certification of BHO as a legitimate candidate for POTUS, they said that was a bridge-too-far, and refused. The opportunistic mind of Nancy Pelosi now had a choice to make: either she fraudulently certify BHO to be eligible or face the wrath of the DNC and the potential rioters from his then multitude of crazed followers. Nancy, doing what comes natural to her, chose the golden-chip-in-the-big-game where BHO told her, if you help me in 2008, we will always be in your debt. A-L-W-A-Y-S.

President Trump has but a few blocks to carefully remove, especially knowing that he may soon be impeached for obstruction of justice, or some other foolish crimes and misdemeanors that he did not commit. He must also know that the new majority of Democrats in the house will begin an onslaught of personal finance investigations of the Trump Corporation, combined with his impeachment, whether he decides to remove those hypothetical blocks or not, where his entire MAGA agenda will go into slow-motion.

His winning block-removing-strategy evolves around the removal of DAG Rod Rosenstein from the DOJ by Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.

As with all the scripted-characters whose names come and go within this high-drama-story unfolding in front of us, Whitaker is, shall we say, one of the more curious character’s, in that he was the former Chief of Staff of the former AG Jeff Sessions. The question is: who made Whitaker COS to give him the necessary OJT to work with Trump? If hiring Whitaker was the sole decision of Sessions, we’re in deep trouble, make that Deep State Trouble. And, as we have recently come to realize, that the tag team of Sessions and Rosenstein working directly with SC Mueller and their compliant mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have been the collective firewalls of the insurance policy to prevent President Trump’s MAGA agenda from ever succeeding in the court of public opinion.

Where then should we expect Whitaker’s allegiance to be – with President Trump (us) or with his former boss (them)? The sad reality side of me says Matt is with them; but, my hopeful side will continue to pray: Please Dear Lord make Matt Whitaker a good guy, where he accepted this assignment as AAG for the sole purpose of falling on his sword by first firing Rosenstein and immediately thereafter demanding that Mueller conclude his phony-Russian-collusion-investigation within one week’s time. And then, with no time to spare, this must be followed by the release of the FISA documents, bringing us to the most delicate block for the President to remove from the stack and, finally, “Lock Her Up” along with the aforementioned usurper BHO.

Granted, all of this may be characterized as the wishful-thinking-for-the-new-year by this author, and that many critical building blocks will need to be successfully removed for this strategic plan to win, and prayers will certainly help. But, if anyone sees a different path for us to succeed, you are welcome to express your thoughts in the comments section below.

And, although some of you may disagree with me, saying that neither BHO nor HRC will ever be arrested, it is my belief that doing-just-that has always been President Trump’s main priority, even back when he began the rally-chanting as a candidate for POTUS. And, you know what? I believe they know that too!

Keep in mind, that five or more years ago, it was Donald Trump who was instrumental in forcing BHO to release his fraudulent LFBC. And, also be aware, that everyone in Congress back in 2008, along with everyone in Congress today, knows exactly what Nancy did, and knows who BHO is, and who BHO is not. Their complicity is ongoing.

Yes! We are living in a game of Jenga. If divisiveness and chaos is what the left want, this will surly give them exactly that. Ah, just think, impeachment, senate trials, the economy on the brink of collapse, all within the backdrop of BHO, HRC, and many, many others solemnly waiting at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba for their military tribunals to proceed. And, not if, but when, it does come crashing down, who will have made that last-bad-move?

If you have ever played or watched a game of Jenga, then you also realize that at the conclusion of every game, the building Must. Fall. Down. Thank the Good Lord every chance you get, for sending us a builder, one who will help us put the blocks back up, for all of the survivors to begin once again.

And, on that happy note: Have a wonderful and, of course, Happy New Year.


Fredy Lowe — Bio and Archives | Comments

Fredy Lowe served proudly in the United States Marine Corps and the New York City police Department. He has been a citizen journalist for nearly ten years writing for Canada Free Press, Before It’s News, Conservative News & Views, Ammoland, The Post & Mail, and others.

He and his wife Pat, now of 50 years, are the proud parents of two children and six grandchildren. Fredy prays daily for the safety of our President Donald J. Trump, for our Armed Forces, for our Police Officers and especially for our country during this extremely volatile period of time in our nation’s history, and he asked if you would take a minute to pray together with him. Thank you.

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