Trump Knows Approval Polls Are Rigged

Trump-polls-riggedBy Eric Mack | NEWSMAX

The pollsters are at it again, potentially misrepresenting the opposition to President Donald Trump, Politico reports as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed the approval poll on Friday.

A CNN/ORC approval poll revealed Friday a 44 percent approval rating for Trump, the lowest ever for a newly elected president, and CBS came in even lower Friday at a mere 40 percent approval.

Spicer shot back at Friday’s White House press briefing.
“I think there’s also a Rasmussen poll that showed he had a 51 percent approval rating,” Spicer said, actually underestimating Trump’s approval, which was 54 percent there Friday.

The variance in the numbers can be due to a number of factors, namely:

1. Timing of the poll. A Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted before last Friday’s executive orders on immigration caused a furor had Trump’s approval at 49 percent.
2. Method of the poll, i.e. live phone interview vs. online survey, which have tended to be more favorable to Trump supporters during the presidential campaign.
3. Self-fulfilling prophecy or oversampling? If you disagree with Trump, you might be more likely to poll people (by group or location) who agree with you – as it was claimed during the campaign: polls tend to reach far more Democrats than Republicans.
“There could be a mode effect at play like there was during the election,” Morning Consult co-founder Kyle Dropp said, referring to his poll’s online survey vs. other’s live-telephone method. “Additionally, our poll does not yet take into account the reaction to the immigration ban announced this past weekend.”

The pollsters were borderline vitriolic against Trump during the presidential campaign, and the same ones are not stopping now.

Will Jordan Tweeted:

“Days until achieving MAJORITY disapproval from @Gallup

Reagan: 727
Bush I: 1336
Clinton: 573
Bush II: 1205
Obama: 936

Trump: 8. days.”

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