Entertainers Missing The Boat Not Boarding The Trump Train

Jackie EvanchoBy George Barron
Jackie Evancho  won’t be missing the Trump Train inauguration.  But apparently the rumors that others in the music industry and the Hollywood elite are choosing not to perform at Tumps inauguration are true. Today Mr. Trump has taken to Twitter to point out that the ‘not interested’ entertainers are missing the boat by not joining the Trump Train and singer Jackie Evancho.

Trumps ‘deplorable’ followers  are made up of a lot of rock-n-rollers and country music lovers. The playlist at Trumps rallies was strategically designed for the listening pleasure of those that were waiting to hear his fiery speeches. Attending a Trump rally was a phenomenal experience on many levels and not the least of which was the music. Entertainers are often famous more for their foolishness rather than their talent. Not wanting to play the Trump Inauguration is obviously a case in point. Here’s how Trump put it in his tweet:


And once again, Trump is right. Below is the playlist from Trump rallies:

1 – “Proud to be an American” – Lee Greenwood (intro/exit song)
2 – “You Can’t Always Get What you Want” – Rolling Stones
3 – “Tiny Dancer” – Elton John
4 – “Heart of Stone” – Rolling Stones
5 – “Let’s Spend the Night Together” – Rolling Stones
6 – “Uptown Girl” – Billy Joel
7 – “Time is on My Side” – Rolling Stones
8 – “Rocket Man” – Elton John
9 – “Tell Me” – Rolling Stones
10 – “Nessun Dorma” – Luciano Pavarotti
11– “Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding” – Elton John
12 – “R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. – John Mellencamp
13 – “Born on the Bayou” – Creedence Clearwater Revival

Just like people enjoy listening to the soundtrack of a movie, Trump supporters relive the experience of a Trump rally by listening to the music that they heard there. Proof of that is the million plus views on Youtube TV that includes the Trump Rally Playlist.

Trump currently has over 18 million followers just on Twitter. Most of his supporters don’t even have a Twitter account. Millions more will be following the inauguration. Over 60 million people voted for the man. Any performer that turns down that kind of exposure isn’t being fair to their fan base or their potential royalties.  They will be the losers. Lucky for Jackie Evancho she didn’t hesitate to jump on the Trump Train of winners.