Obama Wouldn’t Have A Chance Against Trump

By Daniel John Sobieski | American Thinker

President Barack Obama, the Democratic leader who presided over the decimation of his party, now claims that he would have beaten Donald Trump if he had a chance to run for a third term. The problem is that Hillary Clinton ran as Obama’s third term, with the president’s active support and was rejected. That fact has yet to dawn on our narcissist-in-chief, who proclaimed, as the Los Angeles Times reported:

Obama spoke in a wide-ranging interview with former senior advisor and now CNN commentator David Axelrod for the Democratic political operative’s Axe Files podcast. The interview was released by CNN on Monday.

“You know, I am confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama said.

His comments were part of a wider discussion of what he called “ugly” sentiments of racism and xenophobia that surfaced during the 2016 campaign.

Obama repeated his assertion that Clinton faced a double standard as a woman, which put her at a disadvantage.

But he also said a kind of complacency set in that made the Clinton campaign too cautious and thus unable to get its message out sufficiently.

“If you think you’re winning, then you have a tendency, just like in sports, maybe to play it safer,” Obama said.

Did Hillary Clinton face a double standard as a woman when you beat her in 2008, or was she just a bad candidate who would have never made it to the national stage except for the fact that her last name was Clinton? The irony is that Trump’s winning campaign was run by a woman, Kellyanne Conway.

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