Rachel Maddow Gets Clown-Slapped With the Truth About Elon

From PJMedia.com

Do you know who’s worse than President Hitler? The friend and DOGE consiglieri to President Hitler. And so goes the narrative for the troubled, weary, and lazy reporters covering Donald Trump’s White House. Enter MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.  


Trump is moving at “Trump Time,” as adviser Peter Navarro often says. Now we know what he means. Trump’s moving so fast that it’s hard to catch him.

Elon Musk, on the other hand, who is doing the Lord’s work by finding billions in waste and frivolous spending, is concentrating on one thing: DOGE. That is when he’s not giving a keynote address in the Middle East to talk about The Boring Company and AI. 

Musk is sending all the DOGE findings out in real time on his X platform because he’s hiding from America and stealing all the money from the U.S. Treasury. He’s also stealing Americans’ social security numbers like he’s some kind of illegal alien trying to get a driver’s license and register to vote. How dare he? 

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Anyway, he’s up to no good. And how do I know? Rachel Maddow said so. 

Applying her Biden Shakedown Flux Capacitor, Maddow projected onto Musk and Trump what she has come to expect from Joe Biden Democrats. 


Here’s how that worked out. 

Maddow reported that Elon Musk and Donald Trump contrived a government contract whereby Musk’s Tesla would win a $400 million contract for armored electric vehicles. There’s only one company that produces that vehicle, and that’s Musk’s Tesla Cybertruck. 

If you watched the video, you know that the Biden administration initiated the contract in December 2024 before Trump was president. Perhaps the lefties pretending to be president while Joe Biden sat in a dementia-addled stupor wanted to drive this stink bomb into the Trump White House and then leak the deal to Maddow. 

And it nearly worked. 

Even though Maddow failed to use basic journalistic standards, “get it first but first get it right,” or, put another way, “measure twice cut once,” the left is still getting its pound of flesh from Elon. 

Related: Hysterical Harpies Hollering About Elon Musk’s Access to Government Docs Should Make You Laugh

After the media failed to check the dates on the contract or call for comment, the Trump administration announced that it “would not be fulfilling Biden’s $400M armored EV contract just hours after MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made a fool of herself on national TV.”


The major media reported the fake news story. NPR, AP, and Time reported that the State Department had plans to purchase the $400 million worth of Tesla armored vehicles. In other words, the MSM reported it as fact. It was not. 

Let’s compare and contrast, shall we? 

As I mentioned in BOOM: Biden’s USAID Paid Terrorists, and Here’s HOW They Did It, “Joe Biden hid his millions of shakedown dollars from Russia ($3.5 mil) Ukraine ($6.5 mil), Romania ($3 mil), China ($8 mil), and Kazakhstan ($142,300 for Hunter to buy a car),” according to banking and other records released by the House Oversight Committee. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s committee uncovered FBI documents pointing to the Bidens’ shakedowns.

In all, Joe Biden got as much as $27 million in kickbacks and pay-to-play dollars for doing what, selling Amway? 

I just checked who among the major media reported this Joe Biden kickback story: CNN reported in 2023 that there was no evidence to suggest Joe Biden had taken money from other countries, though bank records were provided. 


The deep state-sponsored FactCheck.org site says there’s no evidence, despite suspicious activity reports (SARS) sent to the government about Hunter and Joe Biden’s banking.  

ABC News reported that despite bank records, SARS reports, and testimony from his business partners, there was no evidence that Biden took kickbacks. 

NBC News actually reported that Joe Biden emailed Hunter’s business partners even though he never involved himself with his son’s “business” dealings. 

Well, by their lights, Elon Musk and Donald Trump have done nothing wrong, and Elon could steal more than $27 million before they even care. Glad we could clear that up. 

This is about as big a bomb as Rachel’s explosive tell-all about TRUMP’S TAXES! That was a bomb, too. 

Your move, Rachel.

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