Terrified Dem Defense Secretary Issues ‘Chilling’ Warning About Trump’s Second Term

The RINOs are coming out of the woodwork.

On Thursday, William Cohen, the former Defense Secretary during the Bill Clinton administration, conveyed his apprehension on the potential consequences that may arise if Donald Trump were to secure the presidency once again in 2024.

According to Cohen, a former Republican senator from Maine, there are significant concerns associated with the potential reelection or election of Donald Trump. “I think we have a lot to fear with a possible reelection or election of Donald Trump,” Cohen expressed during an interview with CNN’s John Berman.

According to Cohen, “Donald Trump is the Founding Fathers’ worst nightmare,” going on to assert that he is a person “who has no moral character, has no general understanding of the rule of law or respect for the rule of law.”

Cohen’s remarks were made in reaction to a biography of the departing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, authored by Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic.

According to the story, General Milley reportedly expressed to acquaintances that in the event of President Trump’s reinstatement, he would “start throwing people in jail, and I’d be at the top of the list.” And hey, that would actually be a good thing.

Berman inquired of Cohen regarding his genuine belief in the veracity of the threat made by Trump.

“I think he will do what he says,” said the RINO Cohen. “He has no respect for the rule of law. He does not believe the law applies to him and anything he might do.”


This week, former President Trump declared 2024 to be the “final battle” against a number of forces afflicting the United States.

In reiterating a prior declaration, Trump escalated the rhetorical significance to its utmost extent, even asserting that a loss in the 2024 election would result in the demise of the nation.

During a campaign event in Iowa, former President Trump expressed his belief that the 2024 election, in which the next president is decided, will hold significant importance for the United States, referring to it as a pivotal moment akin to a “final battle.”

Trump proclaimed that the year 2024 “is our final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. They want to go to war with everybody. We will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communist Marxists and fascists, and we will throw off the sick political class that truly hates our country. We will route the fake news media. We will defeat crooked Joe Biden, and we will end illegal immigration once and for all, just as we had it three years ago.”

“The great silent majority is rising like never before,” he declared. “And under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer with your help, your love, and your vote. We will put America first, and we will make America great again, greater than ever before.”

“We are going to make this country stronger and better and more beautiful than ever before,” he promised. “Not just get it back. We’re going to make it better than ever before, but we have to win this election.”

According to his statement, Trump expressed that the failure to secure the presidency in 2024 would result in a total loss of everything.

“I hope we have a victory because if we don’t have a victory, I really think this country is… finished. It’s finished. I really think it’s finished… That’s how bad it is,” Trump said, declaring the severity of the situation.

Conversely, a triumph in the year 2024 would be “the victory for the ages, it’s going to be a victory for the ages. … You know, I used to talk about 2016, that 2016 is the biggest election of our lifetime. And I meant it 100%.” Trump expressed his whole sincerity, albeit acknowledging that the statement was not applicable to the year 2020 due to the his efforts in ameliorating the circumstances.

Trump asserted that the “MAGA” effort is the “greatest movement of all time.”

Late on Wednesday, after his rally, Trump posted to Truth Social:

“A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized Government that refuses to close the Border, and treats half the Country as Enemies of the State. This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other Patriots. They failed on the debt limit, but they must not fail now. Use the power of the purse and defend the Country!”

Trump then ripped Charles Koch who has vowed to spend $70 million to stop him from becoming president again.

“Very stupid, awkward, and highly overrated Globalist Charles Koch of the Koch Network doesn’t have a clue. He said his best years were the four years during the Trump Administration, and now his people are aimlessly throwing away other people’s money. Watch what happens to Charles Koch!”

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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