Top Republican Turns On Trump – Accuses Him Of Being An ‘Axe Murderer’

On Monday, Geoff Duncan, the former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia affiliated with the Republican party, expressed strong personal disapproval of former President Donald Trump, drawing a comparison between Trump’s ideals and those commonly associated with an individual engaged in violent acts, such as an “axe murderer.”

During an interview on CNN’s show “The Source,” Duncan, a prominent Trump opponent, expressed his views on the direction of the Republican party. He emphasized the need for Republicans to make a definitive decision and asked fellow conservatives to take action in order to stop Trump from obtaining the GOP presidential nomination in 2024. Duncan characterized Trump as a “fake Republican.”

During the interview, Duncan, who had expressed his views on election integrity when serving as lieutenant governor, emphasized several worries with Trump. He highlighted the 91 criminal accusations that President Trump is currently facing as a result of ongoing investigations conducted by authorities in New York, Georgia, and at the federal level. Duncan further underscored that during his tenure, Trump made significant contributions to the accumulation of the national debt. Duncan suggested that the aforementioned elements, in conjunction with Trump’s perceived deficiency in moral rectitude, ought should discourage Republicans from choosing him as their presidential candidate.

“As a Republican, the dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Duncan stated.

He also asserted “Everything we need to see to not choose him as our nominee, including the fact that he’s got the moral compass of more like an axe murderer than a president. We need to do something right here right now. This is either our pivot point or last gasp as Republicans.”

The former lieutenant governor delineated the present moment as an essential turning point for the party, contending that it must make a strategic shift or confront the possibility of decline.

Duncan, who provided testimony before a grand jury in the legal proceedings involving Trump and his co-defendants on charges of purportedly endeavoring to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election in Georgia, additionally offered a response to a statement from Mark Meadows’s memoir. In the memoir, Meadows asserted his duty to confront the president in instances of erroneous judgment. Duncan expressed doubt regarding the extent of Meadows’s genuine impact.

“Well, he must have whispered in his ear and not said it out loud because I certainly have never seen examples of him standing up to Donald Trump or the ridiculous nature of where this is headed,” Duncan asserted.

Meadows is currently confronted with charges regarding the Georgia case and made an appearance in court on Monday.

Trump posted scathing attacks on the leftist prosecutors who have targeted him. He asked that one case be dismissed.

“It has just been reported that aides to TRUMP prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, met with high officials at the White House just prior to these political SleazeBags Indicating me OVER NOTHING. If this is so, which it is, that means that Biden and his Fascist Thugs knew and APPROVED of this Country dividing Form of Election Interference, despite their insisting that they “knew nothing.” It’s all a BIG LIE, just like Russia, Russia, Russia, & not knowing about son’s business dealings. DISMISS CASE!” Trump wrote on his social media site.

“Deranged Jack Smith & his team of Thugs, who were caught going to the White House just prior to Indicting the 45th President of the United States (an absolute No No!), have been working on this Witch Hunt for almost 3 years, but decided to bring it smack in the middle of Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent’s campaign against him. Election Interference! Today a biased, Trump Hating Judge gave me only a two month extension, just what our corrupt government wanted, SUPER TUESDAY. I will APPEAL!” Trump posted on Truth Social on Monday.

Trump continued, ,”Page 2: How do you have an Indictment that is based almost entirely on the findings of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Marxists, Fascists, and Political Hacks, when these same lowlifes, who have been caught lying for years about Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, FISA, the Fake Dossier, & much more, purposely & Illegally DESTROYED & DELETED all of the Evidence, Findings, & Proof of the January 6th Committee? When will Deranged Jack Smith Criminally Charge the Committee?”

The former president added “These Indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponents campaign plan. It is Election Interference, and they are going to use the DOJ/FBI to help them, which is illegal. Crooked Joe pushed this litigation hard to get it done. This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.””

He also went after Joe Biden:

“The division, anger, and hatred that Crooked Joe Biden, the worst and most corrupt President in the history of the United States, has caused by Indicting his Political Opponent, who is leading him in the polls, all for the sake of Election Interference, and getting even for the very fertile investigations of him by the Republican Congress. It will only get worse because these deranged lunatics know no bounds. Someday, however, Sanity will again prevail. MAGA!”

The latest polls have a mix showing both Trump and Biden winning.

Polls ending Aug. 27, 2023

President: general election, 2024

5,000 RV
Morning Consult
Biden 43% 39% DeSantis Biden +4


5,000 RV
Morning Consult
Biden 43% 42% Trump Biden +1


1,667 RV
Big Village
Biden 43% 40% DeSantis Biden +3


2,029 A
Big Village
Biden 38% 35% DeSantis Biden +3


1,667 RV
Big Village
Biden 43% 44% Trump EVEN


2,029 A
Big Village
Biden 38% 42% Trump Trump +4

Aug. 26, 2023

President: general election, 2024


1,000 RV
Emerson College
Biden 39% 44% Trump More Trump +5


1,000 RV
Emerson College
Biden 44% 46% Trump Trump +2


2,013 RV
The Messenger Biden 45% 44% Trump Biden +1

Aug. 25, 2023

President: general election, 2024


1,004 A
Reuters Biden 32% 38% Trump Trump +6

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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