Jill’s Ex-Husband Drops Bomb On ‘Biden Crime Family’ — Trump Is At Risk

The marriage of Joe and Jill Biden has been under scrutiny for decades because Jill Biden was married at the time she was babysitting for the Biden family and having an affair with Joe Biden, and then Joe Biden’s wife mysteriously died in a strange car crash.

Joe Biden was running for national office for the first time when such tragedy hit his family, and now all of the seedy details of the mysterious circumstances of Joe Biden’s marriage are coming out, and Jill’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson is talking about the intimidation tactics used against him for all of these years, to be quiet about what he knows.

Those are the tragic details of the beginning of the union of the first couple. Now Stevenson has refused to be quiet about his feelings regarding the first couple and the crime family they have built.

Media-ite reported on a recent video interview by the former husband, where he talked about what happened:

“Bill Stevenson, the former husband of First Lady Jill Biden, railed against the “Biden crime family” on Wednesday and claimed former President Donald Trump was being targeted by President Joe Biden in the same way he was targeted by the Bidens during his divorce.

Stevenson told Newsmax host Greg Kelly that during his divorce, “Frankie Biden of the Biden crime family comes up to me and he goes, ‘Give her the house or you’re going to have serious problems.’ I looked at Frankie and I said, ‘Are you threatening me?’ and needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8,200.”

Long-time friend, Christy Howard, chimed in on the abuse Stevenson has taken in a post saying:

I have been friends with Bill Stevenson for over 30 years, and finally, he is sharing the full truth that so many of us have known. The Bidens are liars on everything and always have been.”

In the interview, Kelly said to Stevenson, “Delaware is a small state. Joe Biden is like the prince of Delaware in a way, right? Very powerful. You think that he essentially ordered this?”

Stevenson replied, “I not only think it, but I know it,” before claiming that he “could not believe the power of Joe Biden and the Department of Justice. I couldn’t believe it.”

Kelly then pointed out the similarities between Stevenson’s case and Hunter Biden’s own current tax case, noting that while Biden has so far been charged with two misdemeanor counts for $2.2 million in unpaid taxes, Stevenson and his brother were charged with two felonies over just over $8,000 in unpaid taxes.

“It’s hard to believe what they’re doing to President Trump right now and that’s why I came to you,” said Stevenson. “He is doing the exact same thing.”

Stevenson claimed, “I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row. One little thing after another,” before adding:

I can’t let them do this to a president that I love and respect. I can’t let them do this to our country. This is why I’ve come forward. This is the only reason I’ve come forward. It’s like I said, nothing about the divorce, no bitterness, but Jimmy, Frankie, and President Biden are very dangerous, and it’s tragic. I can’t let them do what they did to me to President Trump. I can’t do it.

Stevenson spoke with Inside Edition about the situation of the marriage of Jill and Joe Biden and about the relationship between everyone and the breakdown of the original marriage.

News of the actions of Jill and Joe Biden in their marriage comes at the same time more brazen fraud by those around the Biden surfaces dealing with their son, Hunter Biden as reported by Newsmax, showing the impact Biden has upon courts and laws:

A person affiliated with Hunter Biden’s legal team reportedly misrepresented herself on the eve of his court appearance in a telephone call to the clerk at U.S. District Court in Delaware to have information related to IRS whistleblowers removed from the case record.

The court’s clerk said Jessica Bengels, a litigation services director at Latham and Watkins in New York, where Biden attorney Chris Clark was formerly a partner, contacted the clerk Tuesday and asked to remove amicus brief materials connected to the case, The Epoch Times reported.

In a letter Tuesday to U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, Theodore Kittila of the law firm Halloran Farkas + Kittila that filed an amicus brief on behalf of Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, wrote the clerk’s office had “advised that someone contacted the court representing that they worked with my office and that they were asking the court to remove this from the docket.”

The amicus brief asked that Noreika set aside Biden’s plea deal because he received preferential treatment from the Department of Justice, based off the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers. As it turned out, Biden’s plea deal unraveled and he pleaded not guilty to two misdemeanor charges of tax evasion.

According to court records, Bengels submitted an affidavit Tuesday in which she blamed miscommunication among the clerks for the removal of the amicus brief.

There is no doubt about the power the Bidens have to make things go their way.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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