Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

The August 8, 2022, political raid on President Donald J. Trump’s private residence in his Palm Beach, Florida, family home called ‘Mar-a-Lago’ continues to unfold, showing new levels of corruption in the Democrat regime of Joe Biden.

Now we find out the US Government signed off on raiding Trump’s private family home after claims from government ‘Never Trumpers’ that Trump was not cooperating with the investigation into his ownership of Presidential papers.

However, court documents show that Trump had already cooperated with investigations.

The dramatic turn of events, exposing the literal ‘two tiers of justice’ happened as Trump’s cooperative actions while under investigation did not fit the nasty narrative that the out-of-control government needed to hear.

Here is a little flashback:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)  executed a search warrant for the home, under the newly crazy story about Trump not being entitled to his own presidential documents, as if everything was somehow normal. Then the world learned that in fact- the US Justice system had fallen to desperate levels to try to stop Trump’s presidential campaign, reducing America to a third-world nation that uses power, political theater, and lawfare to choke off political opponents.

The administrative state made up of all the people who contributed to this shocking situation, has utilized power entrusted to them by the people of the United States to carry out our business, and they are only doing the work now of abusing their power to stop their adversary- that much is clear.

New information is out that shows the depravity and shocking levels that our nation’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has.

Remember- the DOJ is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. It is equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries.

And they were busy creating propaganda to be used against a duly elected former President, who was a candidate for President again. The optics are shocking and horrifying. Here are some of the details of that crazy story as reported by
Cristina Laila:

“New court documents show that DOJ prosecutor Jay Bratt, an Obamaite-Russiagate-DNC donor, redacted every reference to Trump cooperating with subpoenas.

Recall Jay Bratt tried to bribe Walt Naut’s lawyer Stanley Woodward in order to get his client to testify against Trump.

New court documents show Jay Bratt purposely redacted all references to Trump cooperating with grand jury subpoenas.

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart approved new aspects of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant to be unsealed.

Last August, the Biden Justice Department released a highly redacted Trump raid affidavit.

Media organizations asked to unseal the affidavit in support of the search warrant.

Only a redacted version was previously unsealed.

The newly unredacted search warrant affidavit reveals Jay Bratt used dirty tricks to make Trump look uncooperative.”

Investigative journalist Paul Sperry also reported on the story, showing that Trump did cooperate with two Grand Juries, meaning that the raid was not at all necessary:

Trump complied with TWO grand jury subpoenas, but Jay Bratt tried to hide this information from the public behind redactions.

REDACTED: Page 2: ” additional documents bearing classification markings … have been produced to the government in response to a grand jury subpoena …

Here is that info:

REDACTED: page 18″ “… agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena … ”

REDACTED: Page 20: ” … an extension was granted for compliance with the subpoena … ”

REDACTED: Page 21: ” … documents … produced pursuant to the grand jury subpoena … ”

REDACTED: Page 22: ” … classified documents (the ones recently provided … ”

Sperry’s tweets go on:

REDACTED: Page 23: ” … agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena for footage from those cameras … ”

” … provided a hard drive to FBI agents …”

REDACTED: Page 25: ” … in response to a grand jury subpoena provided FBI agents and DOJ COUNSEL a Redweld envelope containing documents … ”

REDACTED: Page 28: ” … a padlock was installed on the STORAGE ROOM door.”

Sperry also revealed, in a separate news report, the details of what real corruption and criminal activity the DOJ is hiding from the American people:

“The Justice Department is not disclosing to the public or Congress links between President Biden’s son Hunter and brother James and a corrupt Chinese government agent who doled out millions of dollars in bribes. It has scrubbed the connections from court documents and is suggesting it doesn’t have evidence clearly in its possession.

In addition, the department appears to be trying to silence another disreputable partner from coming forward to tell what he knows about the Bidens’ Chinese connection.

From emails, text messages, phone calls, bank records, and other evidence gathered from wiretaps and searches of Ho’s offices in D.C. and New York, investigators discovered that Hunter Biden and his uncle James were targets of Ho and CEFC China Energy, which had struck up a business partnership with the Bidens. The deal, sealed in 2017, netted the Bidens almost $6 million for unspecified work, at least $1 million of which was paid directly by Ho,” Perry wrote, adding:

Despite Senate Judiciary Committee requests, DOJ refuses to turn over Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act materials the FBI used to spy on Ho in 2016 and 2017. DOJ claims the FISA information may not even exist.

Joseph Gaeta, DOJ: “Unfortunately, we are not in a position to confirm the existence of the information …”

“Unfortunately, we are not in a position to confirm the existence of the information that is sought if it exists in the department’s possession,” then-Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joseph Gaeta told GOP Sen. Charles Grassley of Judiciary in a letter.

But the FISA applications and material do exist — according to a sworn acknowledgment by former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman, who prosecuted the Ho case.”

So, clearly, one of these Presidents is not like the other.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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