Poll: Trump Edges Out Biden in Hypothetical 2024 Matchup

Former President Donald Trump is edging out President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential matchup, the latest survey from The Economist/YouGov found.

The survey asked respondents who they would support in an election between Trump and Biden and found the former president leading by two percent — 44 percent to 42 percent — among registered voters.

Notably, Trump enjoys an edge among independent voters as well, leading Biden 36 percent to the 80-year-old’s 30 percent in that group:

The survey also asked respondents, “Regardless of who you prefer, who do you think would win the presidential election if Joe Biden were the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump were the Republican candidate?”

In that case, 43 percent of registered voters believe Biden would win, compared to 41 percent who said the same of Trump.

The survey also found more enthusiasm for Trump than Biden among their respective bases, as 64 percent of Republicans said they want Trump to run for president again, compared to 53 percent of Democrats who said the same for Biden.

The survey was taken May 13-16 among 1,500 adult United States citizens.

April’s Harvard-Harris poll found Trump leading Biden as well, by five percentage points— 45 percent to Biden’s 40 percent.

Prior to Biden’s official presidential launch, Trump criticized Biden as being worse than “the five worst presidents in American history.”

“You could take the five worst presidents in American history, and put them together, and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done to our Nation in just a few short years,” Trump said. “Not even close.”

“We are like a dumping ground. Our cities have been overrun with homelessness, drug addicts, and violent criminals, who are being released from jail in mass with no retribution whatsoever, while law enforcement is weaponized against law-abiding conservatives or Republicans, or people they just don’t like,” Trump continued.

“Our children are being indoctrinated and mutilated by left-wing freaks and zealots,” Trump added. “The senior ranks of our military have gone completely woke, and our military is suffering greatly.”

“With such a calamitous and failed presidency, it is almost inconceivable that Biden would even think of running for reelection,” he concluded.

FLASHBACK — Donald Trump Rally: Joe Biden “Already a Complete and Total Catastrophe”

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News


Source: Breitbart News