Hillary Clinton’s plan to ‘vilify’ Trump by linking him to Putin was briefed to Obama and Biden before the election in 2016

After seven and a half years and six and half million dollars, Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed to investigate the roots of why the FBI dove into the Russiagate hoax- told the American people on Monday what they knew 8 years ago by figuring it out for themselves.

It took Durham 300 pages to conclude that really bad things happened to betray the American public and destroy their trust in government, media, and law enforcement, but it was no big deal.

“Hillary Clinton’s plan to ‘vilify’ Trump by linking him to Putin was briefed to Obama and Biden before the election in 2016 – while the FBI and DOJ restricted investigations into her campaign,” the Daily Mail reported about the Durham report.

And the kicker is that even after proving seditious collusion by the government, the media, and leftist activists who pushed the story about Russia to stop President Donald J. Trump and his administration, Durham still seemed to soft-peddle the damage that this criminal mafia did to the United States of America.

The fact that his report uncovered criminal collusion between a former president, Barack Obama, and a current President, Joe Biden- didn’t seem to phase him as he recommended no charges.

Durham’s report accused FBI agents of failing to look into allegations against Hillary Clinton. It addressed how the entire hoax was built upon the most insane- fake news hoax that was started with the Steele Dossier- which more likely sounded like a slice of life out of Hunter Biden’s diary than anything Trump ever did.

Even the most radical far-left CNN correspondent, Jake Tapper, claimed Monday that the report by Durham is “devastating” to the FBI and even exonerates Trump “to a degree.”

CNN’s Justice Correspondent Evan Perez agreed with Tapper: that it recommended no criminal charges beyond those that were already brought, which is laughable because there has been one conviction from an extremely expensive investigation, Durham’s investigation over an altered email.

“The stunning thing about this report is that we frankly knew a lot of this,” Perez said, noting how the 2019 report, “told us a lot of these findings that Durham is now confirming, frankly.”

So there is nothing there but a massive excuse for the government to harm the American people constantly.

“One of the reasons why Durham was brought on board was supposedly to go beyond what the inspector general of the Justice Department found in their investigation,” continued Perez, seeing a way to cover up for the FBI and their involvement:

“One of the things they were supposed to do was to tell us a lot about what the intelligence community was doing,” Perez said. “It turns out they didn’t find very much there in the intelligence community, and certainly not to support the suspicions that they had that there was a cabal of people from the FBI and the intelligence community who were out to get Donald Trump. That appears to have fallen flat as part of this investigation.”

Tapper did not go into detail surrounding why he considered the Durham report to be “devastating,” however, at one point, he paraphrased part of it, saying that Durham “is basically saying these are not criminal allegations, but he’s saying these were unprofessional and failed to meet the standards of the Justice Department and the FBI.”

So, in the end, Durham, Bill Barr’s hand-picked guy, basically admitted that yes, the government is in collusion with the Media and our top law enforcement is corrupt, but that is just sort of how it goes – ‘so move along.’

Fox News reported President Trump’s reaction:

“Former President Trump said Monday that former FBI Director James Comey and Democrats need to be held accountable for spending years investigating alleged collusion between Trump and Russia now that Special Counsel John Durham has released a report that says the Trump-Russia probe should never have been launched.

“I, and much more importantly, then American public have been victims of this long-running and treasonous charade started by the Democrats — started by Comey,” Trump told Fox News Digital. “There must be a heavy price to pay for putting our country through this.”

Durham’s report found that the Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump said the activities surrounding the FBI’s original Trump-Russia investigation were “a total disgrace,” and said, “public anger over this report is at a level that I have not seen before.”

“This report took a long time because John Durham is a very thorough investigator,” Trump said. “But the result is unequivocal and an absolute disaster in terms of justice.”

Trump added that “the national security implications of what they did are very grave.”

“It turned out to be a giant and very dangerous hoax,” he said, adding that he would have “further comment in the near future.”

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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