Donald Trump Responds To Tucker Carlson’s Departure From Fox News

Donald Trump detractors didn’t seem to be too happy about what the former President had to say about Tucker Carlson upon the prime-time star’s abrupt departure from Fox News on Monday.

“Well, I’m shocked, I’m surprised,” Trump told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly during an interview at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. “He’s a very good person and a very good man and very talented, and as you know he had very high ratings.”

Liberal news outlet Huffington Post reported on his kids words of Tucker by noting that he said them of the “host who frequently pushed racist, misogynistic and xenophobic talking points on his show. Trump described Carlson as ‘terrific’ and gushed: ‘He’s been, especially over the last year or so, he’s been terrific to me’.”

The outlet continued by calling attention to Carlson for his coverage of certain controversial issues, as well as revealing private text messages of the host brought into evidence by Dominion in their lawsuit against Fox News:

On air, Carlson pushed Trump’s 2020 election lies and minimized the U.S. Capitol riot.

In private messages made public in Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox, though, Carlson expressed his contempt for the former president.

“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Carlson wrote in a January 2021 text, adding: “I hate him passionately.”

Carlson interviewed Trump earlier this month as one of his final sit-downs.

Huffington Post is just one of many news outlets who have taken aim at Tucker Carlson after parting ways with Fox. CNN, who fired one of their lead show hosts, Don Lemon, the same day Carlson’s departure from Fox was announced, dedicated a significant amount of airtime Monday deflecting against their own network’s issues with their hosts, to mock Carlson instead.

A contributor who appeared on Anderson Cooper’s show jokingly said that Fox should substitute a “undocumented Mexican immigrant” in Carlson’s place.

“You know what I’d like to see? Here’s how we’ll know that Fox has changed. They won’t do it. Fox has changed if they replace Tucker with an undocumented Mexican immigrant. That would actually, truly be a great replacement,” Begala said.

See it here:

Cooper questioned whether Fox News’s decision to part ways with Carlson was an acknowledgment that the network permitted employees to bend the facts beyond legal limitations. Carlson and others at the network claimed that Dominion Voting Systems’ vote-tabulation computers were a factor in Trump’s 2020 election defeat; the station and the firm just settled for $787 million.

Carlson, who ended his farewell show on Monday, expressed surprise at the decision and said he had been implicated in the Dominion lawsuit for months because of text texts in which he had spoken ill of Fox officials and President Trump. Both Carlson and his attorneys claimed that Dominion used the remarks taken out of context, as leverage to gain a $1.6 billion judgement, and the host and the station’s lawyers said the business distorted their meaning.

The media conglomerate is reevaluating its content strategy in the aftermath of its settlement with Dominion, and the recent decision not to renew contributor Dan Bongino’s contract, just days before Carlson left, is just the latest indication.

Despite the fact that analysts believe Fox will be able to deduct the most of the enormous payout thanks to insurance and tax claims, the network is also being sued by a former female member of Carlson’s show’s staff. Abby Grossberg alleges that Carlson encouraged a hostile work environment where sexist and antisemitic remarks were made in her lawsuit.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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