Trump Wants To Destroy Mexican Drug Cartels with Military Might

According to a recent Rolling Stone headline, Trump has asked advisers for “Battle Plans” to “attack Mexico” if reelected. This shows that the left is not happy about the idea of “invading Mexico’s sovereign spaces” to protect Americans from drug crimes and assaults. However, the headline COULD ALSO be a lame attempt at a political smear job that the once cool media group has resorted to- so they can join the “get Trump” losers. It’s the Mexican Drug Cartels that Trump is interested in attacking.

The difference between America First Donald J. Trump, a candidate for President of the United States in 2024, and everyone opposed to him is perfectly illustrated in this story, which also has some brilliant points.

In response to the notion that a President of the United States would defend the American people from drug crimes by securing our border so that drug criminals don’t enter illegally, Rolling Stone complained that “Trump and his MAGAfied Republican Party are pushing plans for military action against drug cartels in Mexico — with or without the Mexican government’s consent.”

However, “MAGAfied” is quite humorous. The notion of a powerful America horrifies the left.

And in one respect, Rolling Stone is correct; only the MAGA Populist Trump supporters and Trump himself are aware of the issue with letting out-of-control gang cartels determine how we will live in the US.

Nobody else in politics wants to act so blatantly and irritate criminals.

By citing two unnamed sources who directed them to the following website, Rolling Stone continued to try to discredit Trump’s America First supporters and Trump himself.

One of the sources says, “President Trump has said he wants ‘battle plans’ drawn for ‘attacking the Mexican Drug Cartels,’ or whatever you’d like to call it. He has bemoaned the missed opportunities of his first term, and many of his supporters want the second Trump administration to have fewer missed opportunities.

In response to “the mounting bodies of dead Americans from fentanyl poisonings,” the policy paper, titled “It’s Time to Wage War on Transnational Drug Cartels,” outlines potential justifications and procedures for the next Republican commander-in-chief to “formally” declare “war against the cartels.”

The authors of Rolling Stone frequently referred to Mexico as being “sovereign,” but they never once mentioned that the US is also sovereign and that it is acceptable for a POTUS to acknowledge that fact.

They continue poking fun at Trump in a passive-aggressive manner:

The paper asks the U.S. to “conduct specific military operations to destroy the cartels and enlist the Mexican government in joint operations to target cartel-networked infrastructure, including affiliated factions and enablers with direct action,” in a nod to Mexico’s status as a sovereign state.

The “enlistment” of Mexico’s government is, however, accompanied by a hefty warning: “It is crucial that Mexico not be led to believe that they have veto power to prevent the US from taking the actions necessary to secure its borders and people,” the paper states.

It’s unknown if Trump would be willing to go as far as the CRA paper suggests, but he has been talking about sending Special Forces to Mexico for months and has expressed a particular interest in doing so.

It is unfortunate to see that The Rolling Stone, who was hip when Hunter S. Thompson was on staff, has sided with the Marxists.

The paper by Ken Cutchenilli, who emphasized historical facts to help stop the flow of lethal criminals, was right about a second thing, according to the extremely uncool outlet:

The United States’ southern border is still plagued by the Mexican Drug Cartels, anarchy, catastrophe, and death. The border is not secure, despite what the Biden administration, particularly Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, has claimed. In fact, the data and day-to-day reality demonstrate how far from secure America’s southern border is, with record numbers of arrests, human trafficking, and drug seizures.

The repercussions of the administration’s willful disregard of its obligations under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. The growing number of Americans who have died from fentanyl poisoning, the dispersed communities across the country, and the increasing influence of the transnational cartels who profit from our mistakes are all indicators of how well the constitution is working. With operational control of the southern border of the United States, these cartels have increased their influence and power and now pose a persistent threat to national security that policymakers need to address.

Back Story: Understanding The Cartels?

Large portions of northern Mexico have been under the control of numerous transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) and Mexican Drug Cartels that make money off of the suffering of others for more than 60 years. These TCOs, also known as the cartels, have developed sophisticated networks of informants, mules (drug runners), and coyotes to transport people and drugs into the United States and build multibillion dollar businesses (facilitators). Due to enduring historical factors, the cartels can effectively exercise this level of autonomy.

The Mexican government has never had complete sovereignty over its territory, especially along the northern border. The Mexican-American War was one of many internal and external conflicts that significantly changed Mexico’s geographical boundaries in the middle of the 19th century.

The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, signed in 1848 between Mexico and the United States, ceded roughly 55 percent of Mexico’s total territory away into what is now New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, and a significant portion of both Arizona and Colorado. The treaty also solidified the Rio Grande River as the official border between Texas and Mexico.

Transnational criminal organizations were able to flourish in times of weak central government, ongoing corruption, and internal conflict. The cartels have taken advantage of the opportunity to expand their networks and strengthen their power base in areas near the US-Mexico border, and these networks have since spread across the entire nation.

The cartels are brutally violent, inflict terror on both the people and government of Mexico, and operate with relative impunity along the US-Mexico border. While there have been attempts in the past to crack down on cartel militancy, the government of Mexico has been unable or unwilling to uproot these narco-terrorist networks that permeate their northern and central territories and influence both local and federal governments. It is a disturbing reality that significant elements of the Mexican government are under the sway of or on the payroll of the cartels.

The atrocities of the various cartels–and their criminal gang affiliates–are too numerous and heinous to fully document. However, the ongoing war has been raging for decades.

Mexican military forces made an effort to impose order and dismantle cartel operations throughout Michoacán and other regions while former President Felipe Calderón was in office.

The Rolling Stone even acknowledges that they are unsure whether Trump is connected to the concepts, but they did demonstrate their obsession with “getting Trump” by stating:

One of the sources familiar with the situation tells Rolling Stone that the institute’s brief policy pitch is among the documents that have recently been forwarded to Trump, though it is unknown if he has read it.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows
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