Trump Vows to Send Illegal Immigrants ‘Straight Back Home’

Trump, at a campaign stop last week in South Carolina, vowed to the audience who joined him to send a massive number of illegal immigrants, who are currently inside the borders of the United States of America, ‘Straight Back Home’.

The 2024 Presidential candidate made the remarks at the same time that a new report shows that nearly 300,000 ‘Gotaways’ had evaded Border Agents in less than 4 months since October 2022 alone.

Tennesse Rep. Mark Green reported numbers that are simply shocking:

“Math time:

CBP has caught 152 terror watchlist suspects out of 4.5 million encounters since 2021.
Now add 1.2 million gotaways.
Using the same percentage, we can assume there are 41 additional terror watchlist suspects among the gotaways.

This is a horrifying number.”

Trump is right to know that Americans are concerned about this stunning threat to the nation.

“Trump spoke about the border crisis that has exponentially worsened during the Biden administration. He echoed past statements that other countries aren’t sending their best when it comes to the migrant surge and said the situation needs to get “straightened out fast,” The Political Insider reported, adding:

“They’re sending people that are killers, murderers, they’re sending rapists, and they’re sending, frankly, terrorists or terrorists are coming on their own, and frankly we can’t allow this to happen,” Trump told the audience.

“So the illegal border crossers are going to be sent straight back home,” he said. “Those bad ones, especially, and they’re gonna go fast.”

Jack Posobiec, editor for Human Events, posted a clip:

“BREAKING: “We have to remove a lot of people very, very fast…They’re sending people that are killers, murders. They’re sending rapists,” Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) tweeted on January 28, 2023.

Political Insider went on:

Trump’s hardline approach to illegal immigrants crossing our border comes as sources with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have indicated 293,993 known “gotaways” have evaded agents since the beginning of the 2023 fiscal year.

Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins reported on the incredible numbers and the outlet noted ‘gotaways’ are now on pace for “unprecedented numbers.”

“Border officials are worried because they don’t know who these people are, where they are from or where they are trying to get to within the U.S. interior,” according to Fox.

It should be noted these are only known ‘gotaways’ – illegal immigrants that have been spotted through other means of surveillance but were not processed by CBP.

“NEW: CBP sources tell FOX News there have been 293,993 Known Gotaways so far this FYTD23 – that means 2,450/day in the past 120 days since the FY began on Oct 1st @FoxNews,” Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) posted on Twitter on January 28, 2023.

The Numbers Are Staggering. Agents indicate the total number of ‘gotaways’ under Democrat Biden has risen to nearly 1.2 million. And the numbers just keep getting worse.

There were 389,155 ‘gotaways’ at the border in fiscal year 2021. In fiscal year 2022, there were nearly 600,000 such cases.

Projected outward, 2023 would see just shy of 1.2 million more, roughly twice as many as the previous year and much more than the previous two years combined.

When including border encounters, there have been over 1 million illegal border crossings in under 4 months. And Biden’s open border policies are to blame.

Terror watchlist arrests at the southern border are surging under President Biden.

FY’23: 38 (so far)
FY’22: 98
FY’21: 15
FY’20: 3
FY’19: 0
FY’18: 6
FY’17: 2

“Per CBP sources, there have been approximately 1.2 million *known* gotaways since Biden took office. @FoxNews,”Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) posted on Twitter on January 22, 2023.

Former acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director Tom Homan echoed Trump’s comments that these ‘gotaways’ aren’t the best people.

“There’s a reason” illegal immigrants aren’t turning themselves in he claimed. “Because they don’t want to be fingerprinted.”

“These are gang members. These are going to be sexual predators. These are going to be criminals. These are going to be people carrying fentanyl,” Homan claimed.

“Not all of them,” he added. “But there’s a reason they didn’t turn themselves in to take advantage of the giveaway program of the Biden administration.”

“WATCH: Fox’s @JonScottFNC: “Southern border officials share stunning new numbers on known gotaways as border agents struggle to keep up with an overwhelming surge” with new reporting from @MattFinnFNC,” TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) posted on Twitter on January 30, 2023.

The Washington Times last week reported that the Biden administration has been releasing illegal immigrant criminals and preventing border agents from making further arrests.

“ICE said it released 515 migrants with criminal convictions and 641 facing active criminal charges [in December],” they revealed. “Officers said the releases were tied to the Title 42 pandemic border policy.”

“One ICE officer said his region was instructed not to make any further arrests.”

Is Biden “proud” of the devastating border crisis he created?

“He named Harris his “border czar,” and there have been over 1.2 million illegal immigrant “gotaways” who have escaped into the U.S. since he took office,”Tommy Pigott (@TommyPigott) posted on Twitter on January 29, 2023.

It’s difficult not to think this entire border crisis is by design.

Representative Jim Jordan announced a February 1st date for the first Judiciary Committee hearing to investigate the Biden border disaster. Accountability may finally be on the way.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows
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