Trump’s New Running Mate Picked? ‘He Definitely Likes Her’

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Former President Trump has not officially announced that he will run for the Oval Office in 2024, but he is acting as though he will.

This leads to the question: what about a running mate”

The running mate will definitely not be Mike Pence.

WeLoveTrump’s Noah lays out the choices:

What about former governor, Secretary of State, and ambassador Nikki Haley?

“Sorry Nikki, we’ve had enough NWO acolytes and we damn sure don’t need you!”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis?

Noah says, “Never Gonna Happen for a couple reasons….One, we need him in Florida. Two, I think it’s going to be a lady. And Three, I think he’s a great Governor, but I’m not sure he could take on D.C. Stay in Florida Ron, we need you there”

How about Gov. Kristi Noem?

Noah says, “Noem herself says she would be “shocked” if Trump asked her, but I think she’s just playing coy. I think she’s in the running and I think she’s fabulous.”

Noah notes that a source close to Trump said this:

Noah explains, “According to our friends over at the Conservative Brief, he likes New York Rep. Elise Stefanik. She’s strong and bold and makes a nice pairing with Trump.”

Newsnation noted:

There are four Republican women most often mentioned as possible Trump running mates: Nikki Haley, Elise Stefanik, Kristi Noem and Sarah Palin. Haley is the most prepared on paper.

She was the governor of South Carolina and Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations. But, despite their close working relationship and friendship, they’ve had their differences.

In 2016, when Trump was running, Haley said she’d endorse any Republican except Trump.

Stefani has been a congresswoman since 2015 and has made a huge shift to the right since her election.

She backed Trump during his impeachment and backed his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Noem is nationally known and popular with conservatives, but she took a bit of a hit when she said she’s comfortable with women leaving her state to get an abortion.

Back in late May, CNN published a report speculating that New York Rep. Elise Stefanik is likely a frontrunner.

While talk about a 2024 vice-presidential pick is of course premature, conversations about adding Stefanik to a future Trump ticket have gained steam in recent weeks at Mar-a-Lago and in other Republican circles, sources said.

Current and former advisers and others in Trump’s orbit have privately argued that the New York Republican, who replaced Rep. Liz Cheney as the no. 3 House Republican last year, is a fierce and loyal attack dog, and Trump would benefit from tapping a woman for vice president should he run again.

Two people familiar with the matter said Trump has been surveying close friends and allies on what they think of Stefanik, one of several Republican women he is possibly eyeing for the potential VP slot, though he has not ruled out a few male contenders, too.

One of these people said the former President believes Stefanik has undergone a genuine transformation – leaving the moderate wing of the party to join its increasingly powerful “America First” flank.

“There is a part of Trump who thinks he needs a female VP. He definitely likes her, likely because of how effusive she is to him,” an adviser to the former president said.

“President Trump thinks very highly of Elise Stefanik. … She has been talked about in circles close to him as a potential vice president,” Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said. “And there’s a feeling among a lot of people on the Republican side that they need to have a woman on the ticket this time.”

It would seem that Stefanik is a front runner, and with those four candidates reportedly at the top of the list, and others besides those four, one would not think another name is the one who will be picked.

But Noah has a thought on that:

Now we end with my top choice…it’s Kari Lake.

Kari Lake is the ONLY other person on the national scene that has the same fight as Donald Trump.

She is his natural successor.

I used to be worried about who would take over after Trump left office.

Once I met Kari Lake, I was not worried any more, at least for 8 more years.

We don’t need to return to another all-talk, do-nothing RINO Republican.

We need an outsider who has the steel fortitude to FIGHT and not back down…

To stand up for what’s right at all costs….

To put America First!

That is Donald Trump.

And it’s Kari Lake.

I used to think we needed Kari in Arizona, but I think AZ could be ok with Finchem.

And letting Lake serve with Trump for 4 years and be at his right hand could be invaluable.

“Then we roll from 4 new years of Trump into 8 years of Lake,” WeLoveTrump states.

Source: The Republic Brief