Bannon Floats Brilliant Idea That Would Reinstate Trump

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Steve Bannon, the host of the very popular War Room program, was out teasing and triggering the big corporate media again this week with talk about an immediate  Constitutional contingent election that would likely favor President Donald J. Trump- if it were to happen.

And the idea is brilliant.

Bannon is one of the few very well-connected political players in DC, who has spent decades investigating and exposing the administrative state’s anti-American behavior, so he is a prized target for the media to smear and to attack.

Business Insider took a run for Bannon this week with a coordinated mass narrative that Bannon’s ideas were ‘bizzare’.

“Trump ally Steve Bannon floated a bizarre plan to try to reinstate the former president.
Bannon said he was “never giving up,” suggesting the idea of a “contingent election.”

Steve Bannon, who served as a top adviser to former President Donald Trump, has leaned into the idea of reinstating Trump and calling a new election,” Business Insider reported.

Trump posted on his Truth Social account about being reinstated or for a new election to be called “immediately” after news broke that Facebook had taken steps to limit the traffic for a controversial story about Hunter Biden’s laptops before the 2020 election.

Then Bannon picked it up and added details and context and cited facts, driving the corporate media nuts.

“Speaking to former New York mayor and fellow Trump ally Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday during an episode of his “War Room: Pandemic” podcast, Bannon floated his bizarre plan to get Trump back in the White House,” Cheryl Teh jabbed.

“We don’t need another national election. It’s called a contingent election,” Bannon said, positing that the House of Representatives should choose the president.

And with the likelihood that the Democrats lose the US House this November, the idea of Bannon’s plan playing out is scaring all of DC.

Here is what Bannon said about the 2020 election and their combined activism for a better election:

“We’re still in a couple of foxholes we’ve never given up all that. I want to talk to Rudy now. Trump put out a Truth Social post and MSNBC has got up there right now, a piece about how many Republicans agree that because of the Hunter situation and because the FBI guy either getting fired or quitting over the Facebook story about the impression of Hunter Biden’s laptop, that he won and he wants another election immediately.

I keep saying that the Biden electors can’t get certified. We don’t need another national election. It’s called a contingent election, and  I keep trying to get this into people’s minds.

You’re going to not be able to certify the Biden electors, and by not certifying the Biden electors, that gets us to the Electoral Count Act of 1887 and our beloved Constitution,” Bannon said.

So hold on a min.. how bizarre is Bannon?

It is interesting to note that political opponents of Trump, like Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), has introduced reforms, along with other Never Trumpers and RINOS on the exact same act that so few Americans even know about.

From Tillis office: 

“This week, after months of bipartisan negotiations, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) and 15 of his colleagues introduced proposals which include legislation to reform and modernize the outdated Electoral Count Act of 1887 to ensure that the electoral votes tallied by Congress accurately reflect each state’s vote for President. 

“From the beginning, our bipartisan group has shared a vision of drafting legislation to fix the flaws of the archaic and ambiguous Electoral Count Act of 1887,” the senators said in a joint statement. “Through numerous meetings and debates among our colleagues as well as conversations with a wide variety of election experts and legal scholars, we have developed legislation that establishes clear guidelines for our system of certifying and counting electoral votes for President and Vice President. We urge our colleagues in both parties to support these simple, commonsense reforms.”

Bannon explained more on the War Room:

“That is a contingent election, the House of Representatives, where you vote by state party delegation and guess what? Even with Liz Cheney voting Wyoming for the Democrats, I think we still went 26-24. So yes, we believe what President Trump said because we don’t think- we know- that the Biden electors can’t be certified in Arizona, or Georgia, or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin.

Those five states that get us below 270 that means you get a contingent election. So let’s do it.

Let’s start the contingent election. You know, this week, let’s do it. That’s what we should do, and MSNBC suck on that.

No, it’s not another national general election, and it’s not flipping those electors for Trump.”

Here are some more sour grapes from the administrative state’s lapdog media:

“For his part, Bannon has spent the last two years helping to push Trump’s baseless voter fraud claims and has even said that he would be willing to go to prison to support the former president.

In June, while attempting to get the criminal contempt of Congress charges against him dropped, Bannon raged outside a courthouse in Washington, D.C., claiming that the US would soon see a “populist uprising” of the MAGA-faithful and that the MAGA movement would govern for 100 years,” Cheryl Teh reported for Business Insider.

You can hear the panic in their reporting. Bannon strikes again, and they wilt in fear of the America First movement taking over.

Source: The Republic Brief