Winter of Discontent: Germany to Implement Energy Rationing Amid Fears of Gas Riots

As officials in the country express their fears about future gas riots this winter, the German government has announced a host of new energy rationing rules that will come into effect from next Thursday.

In what appears to be the latest attempt to avoid energy shortages this winter, the German government is to implement restrictions limiting the use of energy in the country.

Ministers appear to be hoping that the rationing efforts will help reduce the risk of energy shortages this coming winter, with a number of bigwigs now openly fearful of a future of public unrest and gas riots should people be left unable to adequately heat their homes.

According to a report by Stern, limits on how hot public buildings and offices can be heated to are to come into effect on September 1st, with such buildings now being legally restricted to no more than 19 degrees Celsius (~66 degrees Fahrenheit).

Public buildings will also no longer be allowed to heat their hallways — though some exceptions are to be given for the likes of hospitals — while tap water used for washing hands will also no longer be allowed to be heated using a boiler or instant heating device.

Contract clauses mandating that landlords heat their buildings to a certain level to ensure the wellbeing of their tenants have also been completely suspended for six months, with state bigwigs claiming that this will allow renters who are willing to turn down their thermostats to do so, with little being said about what will happen to those who wish to keep the heating on during the winter.

Meanwhile, public shops are to be forbidden from leaving their doors open; it will become illegal for monuments to be artificially lit; outdoor pools will no longer be allowed to be heated using gas or electricity, and all neon signs must be switched off by 10 p.m.

While these measures limiting energy use are extreme, they are not unprecedented, with the likes of Italy having already implemented similar measures limiting the use of heating and air conditioning.

However, as pointed out by local publication Bild, people in Germany will likely not appreciate the new energy restrictions considering the government is also planning to soon introduce renewed COVID-19 lockdown rules at a time when most other countries have almost completely forgotten about the Wuhan virus.

Public patience for Germany’s current rulers is also likely being tested by the price of gas in the country, with the hydrocarbon having already hit a record price on Thursday despite winter still being some time away.

Despite this, officials still appear to be adamant that the country’s remaining nuclear reactors will be turned off by next January in service of the green agenda, with not even the likes of a Nobel prize-winning economist urging officials to be “pragmatic” and keep the power stations on being enough to get climate alarmist ministers to change their mind on the matter.

To make matters worse, some officials have declared that the new measures forcing private individuals and businesses to cut energy usage are effectively unenforceable, with the general manager of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, reportedly saying that local authorities will not be in a position to check compliance.

“We will not be able to check whether doors are always closed around the clock,” he said, concluding that despite the rules mandating the implementation of the measures, it will ultimately be down to the “common sense” of those ostensibly legally required to clamp down on usage on whether or not they actually do so.

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Source: Breitbart News