Gov. DeSantis releases his own ‘Top Gun’ video – here it is

On Monday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis released a new Top Gun-inspired campaign ad in which he leads a training exercise called “Fighting the Corporate Media.”

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The viral ad entitled “America’s Top Gov” has been viewed over 1.4 million times on Twitter and 157,000 times on YouTube as of Tuesday afternoon. 

The advertisement opens at “Freedom Headquarters” in Florida and shows DeSantis wearing a dark leather bomber jacket reminiscent of the jacket worn by actor Tom Cruise in the iconic films “Top Gun” and “Top Gun: Maverick.” 

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your governor speaking. Today’s training evolution: dogfighting. Taking on the corporate media,” DeSantis says. 

“The rules of engagement are as follows: Number one—don’t fire unless fired upon but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force. Number two—never ever back down from a fight. Number three—don’t accept their narrative,” he continues. 

As DeSantis describes “the rules of engagement,” the ad features clips of DeSantis challenging reporters and other members of the media. 

DeSantis is then seen inside a fighter jet while wearing a helmet with a “Top Gov” sticker. 

“Alright ladies and gentlemen,” DeSantis concludes before the ad cuts to his young son, who says, “Let’s turn and burn!”

DeSantis released the campaign advertisement on the eve of Florida’s primary election that will determine who the incumbent will face during the election for governor in November. 

DeSantis has surged in popularity over the past two years, with many speculating the governor may run for president in 2024. Such a decision would likely mean challenging former President Donald Trump, who has indicated he plans to run for reelection. 

DeSantis showed his support for Trump earlier this month after the FBI raided the former president’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. During a speech for Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, DeSantis asserted that the FBI has gone “totally off the rails.”

“These agencies have now been weaponized to be used against people that the government doesn’t like,” DeSantis said. “And you look at the raid at Mar-a-Lago. I’m just trying to remember, maybe someone here can remind me about when they did a search warrant at Hillary’s house in Chappaqua when she had a rogue server and she was laundering classified information.”

“I don’t remember them doing that. I do remember them manufacturing a false conspiracy about Russia collusion. I remember that. That was not true. That was an abuse of power. I remember a lawyer for the FBI got caught doctoring an application for FISA surveillance against an innocent man. I remember the FBI at Merrick Garland’s direction being sicced on parents going to school board meetings,” he continued. 

“Meanwhile, when you have a law that protects supreme court justices, is the FBI out there protecting our conservative justices? No. When you have violations of law where people are targeting crisis pregnancy centers, are they doing their job and enforcing the law there? No,” DeSantis added. “They’re enforcing the law based on who they like and who they don’t like. That is not a Republic.”


Source: American Military News