Trump Team Preparing Fourth Amendment Case Against FBI

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Following the FBI’s strange request to turn off the surveillance cameras during the unprecedented search of Trump’s private Florida home, along with the fact that the Trumps refused, have caused an outcry in support for the former president and suspicion turning toward the FBI.

Days ago, Eric Trump appeared on Fox News and spoke to host Sean Hannity where he said that they ignored the FBI’s request to take off the surveillance cameras and they do have video of the search.

“Will you — you still have the surveillance tape, is that correct? Will you — are you allowed to share that with the country?” the host said.

“Absolutely, Sean. At the right time,” the son of the 45th President of the United States said.

“That’s why cops wear body cams. They don’t tell you to turn off cameras. They want transparency. And that’s not what happened here,” he said.

“And you know for a fact they asked for the cameras to be turned off,” the host said.

“They asked for the cameras to be turned off,” Eric said.

He said after the raid that “my father’s poll numbers have absolutely gone through the roof.”

The previous night on the show he said that people “were trying to buy [wife] Lara and I dinner to apologize for what the United States government has done to our family, Sean.”

“I mean, you wouldn’t believe the energy out there,” the former president’s son said. “I’ve been through all these firestorms over the years. I’ve never seen America more mad than it is right now. People are not buying the sham in the country.”

“They’re targeting Donald Trump. They’re targeting his family. They’re targeting everyone around him,” he said.

Some of Trump’s aides and allies have encouraged the former President to make some of the footage available to the public, believing it could send a jolt of energy through the Republican Party’s base.

Some people close to the former president are pushing him to release the video footage of the FBI searching his Mar-a-Lago residence, CNN reported.

People close to Trump are rumored to be discussing the release of the video, weighing releasing the footage in parts in ads or posts with considering the immense power of seeing federal agents in an unprecedented, possibly unwarranted action that would be disturbing to the American public.

but those who are discussing theses options are not sure of all the factors surrounding the video footage.

Some of the aides are not certain who has seen the video in its entirety yet.

“I don’t think it’s been shared by anyone outside of the attorneys,” a source close to the situation said.

Ty Cobb, a former White House attorney for former President Trump, commented on the record.

“If someone can persuade him this is somehow good for him and bad for his enemies, he’ll do it,” he said. “He doesn’t have the lawyers to help him sort through these things strategically and is really thinking through them on his own.”

But former federal prosecutor James Trusty said that Trump’s attorneys are going to “weigh in very strong and very hard,” and going to be “attacking” the search warrant used by the FBI in the Mar-a-Lago raid.

“It should be something that gets publicly filed. So the whole United States will get to read this thing,” he said.

And he said they could do it on Monday but “it’s probably going to be more like hours.”

“It’s coming very soon,” he said.

On Thursday Trump posted,” the WAPO story is that ‘Trump is scrambling to add seasoned lawyers’ to the Mar-a-Lago Raid case is, as usual, FAKE NEWS. I already have excellent and experienced lawyers – am very happy with them. This is highly political prosecutorial misconduct, I have not been charged with anything and, most importantly, I did nothing wrong! Thank you!

Former President Donald Trump also announced his team is preparing a “major” response to the FBI search of his house.

“A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections.

My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country.

Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers.

It should not be allowed to continue!” he said on his Truth Social account, Fox News reported.

It seems that Team Trump is gearing up for a big fight.

The news came as the former president hinted that he may be preparing to go “nuclear MAGA” against the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Source: The Republic Brief