Fox News And Former Democratic Senator Spar On TV

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Friday’s segment of The Faulkner Focus on Fox News has some interesting viewpoints.

Discussions of crime certainly pertain to New York City.

Crime in New York City shot up 30.5% in July 2022 in comparison to the previous year, according to the New York Police Department (NYPD).

That would be the Police right there in New York City.

Police data show that murder, felony assault, burglary, and grand larceny also saw jumps between 17%-40% since last year.

Critics have blamed “progressive prosecutor[s]” such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for the increase.

Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe sparred with a former Democratic New York state senator David Carlucci Friday during the show over rampant crime in that city.

Boothe criticized the Left’s approach to crime, accusing liberal district attorneys of having “embraced” and “idolized” criminals by honoring figures like George Floyd and Jacob Blake.

In response to footage of mass looting at a Los Angeles 7-Eleven, former Democratic New York State Senator Carlucci called the crime a problem for the political left and right alike.

Carlucci added that New York City is “one of the safest cities on the planet,” comparing the current homicide rate to that of the 1980s and ’90s.

He apparently has not paid attention to the NYC police and their own statistics.

Carlucci tried to turn the crime statistics into a tirage on guns, which he apparently feels are the criminals.

He then accused Republicans of “doing nothing” about guns, which he said are killing people across the country.

Booth was only too happy to respond to those comments.

“He brought Republicans into this, so I would like to respond to that,” Boothe said.

“First, where this is happening if you look, it’s these liberal cities run by liberal mayors who have no idea what they’re doing and George Soros prosecutors who want criminals out of jail, who are doing their darndest to make sure that happens. And, no offense Dave, but it’s your mentality that’s creating this problem because you are defending the criminals. You’re saying that—”

“I’m not defending the criminals,” he interjected.

“I’m not done, hold on,” Boothe said. “Hold your horses. You’re saying that people like me, who’s about to be a first time gun owner, a law abiding citizen who takes it seriously, I’m the problem but the criminals who are the ones pulling the trigger out doing the problems? Those are the people who shouldn’t have guns. Those are the people, but unfortunately, your prosecutors, your liberal mayors are letting them out of jail. So spare me with your sanctimony garbage.”

There was no rebuttal to Boothe’s facts.

The two continued to spar over current President Joe Biden’s job performance.

The segment then discussed the new $500,000 taxpayer-funded fence around President Joe Biden’s private residence in Delaware and his performance in office.

Guest host Trace Gallagher referred to the %500,000 taxpayer funded security fence that is being installed at President Joe Biden’s Delaware home.

Gallagher asked Carlucci if there was an “optics” problem with the fence in light of the migration crisis at the southern border.

Carlucci dodged the hard questions and instead sang the praises of the Democrat president.

Carlucci said Biden has been successful, riding “momentum,” from the Inflation Reduction Act and combating climate change, but did not address the fence.

“President Biden is getting the job done and much to the opposition of Republicans,” he said. “It doesn’t matter where the president is, what matters is getting the job done.”

Carlucci had apparently not been noticing the recent polls.

Biden’s approval rating hit a record low of 31% in a July Quinnipiac poll that surveyed 1,523 adults. The survey had a margin of error of +/— 2.7 percentage points.

Carlucci then tried to deflect the topic to another state, rather than New York.

Carlucci said Florida’s crime is equally as bad, if not worse, than New York and accused Republicans of ignoring the “unfair justice system,” which he said advantages the wealthy.

He argued Democrats are correcting this, wrote Daily Caller.

Booth did not hold back answering Carlucci’s statements.

“Is this guy for real?” Boothe asked.

“Yup,” Gallagher responded.

“I’m gonna pull my hair out,” Boothe said. “Inflation, baby food shortage, an invasion at the southern border.

Everyone’s life is worse off because of this man and they’re hiding him in the basement just like they did in 2020 because this is a guy who shakes the hand with air, he probably thinks his name is Brandon from time to time, he’s clearly in cognitive decline and he should not be in the White House, he should be in a retirement home somewhere.”

“And this is rules for me, not for thee.

He gets a $500,000 fence that we pay for, us taxpayers, as people are out on the streets in liberal cities like New York getting cold clocked by a sex offender who is out by liberal prosecutors,” she continued.

Source: The Republic Brief