Leftist Freakout: Steve Bannon calls Hillary Clinton a ‘b****’ in leaked recording

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Steve Bannon doesn’t like Hillary Clinton, and he is apparently offended at her massive usurpations of the American Republic and her constant disrespect of the American people; he is also a pretty firey dude on his daily War Room program on real America’s Voice.

But what is news today are comments he made in a meeting that was allegedly leaked to the media and the left thinks they finally have Bannon in their snare over it.

“In what appears’b****’ in leaked recording Timothy P. Carney, wrote for the Washington Examiner.

That day, Bannon also dropped an “F bomb” and an “S-bomb” in audio that is clearly Bannon talking to people he felt comfortable with. he def. let his hair down a bit.

The Mother Jones release of the video made Bannon go viral this week on social media, something the media giant isn’t going to cry about.

It is a huge story to the left.  Bannon got fresh and called Clinton a name, and in doing so Bannon said what was precisely on the minds of ‘half of America, you know the half –  who is what Clinton calls “a basketful of Depolorables.”

Bannon, a Math wizard, and statistician,  signals all of the time that the MAGA movement that supports Trump’s America First platform is well larger than one-half of the country’s legal voters- but he is very polite and never calls her dumb or makes fun of her counting ability- because he is a gentleman.

Bannon, a Navy veteran, thrills his audiences with inspirational salty rants, which they tune in to watch, so it will be no surprise to the fan’s of Bannon’s- the War Room Posse- that Bannon dropped the “B-word” when talking about the scandalous former Secretary of State, Hillary R. Clinton.

Bannon was the top strategist for the 2016 Presidential campaign of President Donald J. Trump when Clinton took on the most political damage of her entire career.

So Bannon describing Clinton in less than favorable terms is not anything shocking.

But to tell the story is good for clicks because people are fascinated with Bannon.  To publish a story and expose that Bannon was recorded saying this undercover is going to be delicious to the Never Trumpers who have targeted Bannon for years.  So it gives MotherJones some coinage in views and it comforts the dismayed Democrats who are seeing their party go down the drains by poking at Bannon, because he has destroyed them for 6 years and longer.

But truth be told- Bannon pretty much says that about Clinton once a week. It is doubtful that he will stop saying naughty things about Clinton anytime soon, even if the left gets super duper mad at him.

Carney reported on the MotherJones coverage of the alleged leaked audio:

“In the recording, taken during a meeting on Oct. 31, 2020, Bannon is heard discussing the coming election and comparing the Hunter Biden laptop controversy to WikiLeaks’s release of hacked Democratic emails in 2016, according to audio of the meeting obtained by Mother Jones.

“Even in ’16, people just had to make a decision,” Bannon was heard saying. “They didn’t like Trump, but they hated Clinton more. Why? When I came in, I’m the expert at driving negatives up. Right? I had been on 10 years on that b****. I just beat her. I just beat her every day, right?”

Laughter from others in the meeting could be heard in the recording after Bannon’s comment on Clinton. Bannon was the CEO of Trump’s 2016 campaign in the final months.

Bannon told the news outlet that Trump proved everyone who doubted his victory “by running the most hard-hitting campaign in political history.”

“We killed off the Clinton Dynasty by beating her campaign day in and day out with unmatched passion and unrelenting intensity never seen before in American history,” he said.

Bannon was also heard claiming that Trump was planning to declare victory prematurely and was “just gonna walk in and go, ‘I’m the winner,’” according to the leaked audio.

On Nov. 4, 2020, Trump claimed he had won the presidential election, despite election results from states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia not being clear at the time of his declaration, according to Reuters.

Bannon was found guilty on July 22 of contempt charges over his defiance of a House Jan. 6 committee subpoena. He is scheduled to be sentenced this October and faces up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine per charge.”


However, the real purpose of the leak to Mother Jones could possibly be to set up just another smear job on Trump and Bannon. Together the two men, with their teams of people,  have held together a political movement- that has power- that has never been seen before in American history.

Consider how Mother Jones reveals their Never Trump narrative:

“The nearly hourlong audio obtained by Mother Jones is new evidence that Trump’s late-night diatribe—which came a few hours later than Bannon had anticipated—followed a preexisting plan to lie to Americans about the election results in a bid to hold onto power. The new recording stands out for the striking candor and detail with which Bannon described a scheme to use lies to subvert democracy. Bannon also predicted that Trump’s false declaration of victory would lead to widespread political violence, along with “crazy” efforts by Trump to stay in office. Bannon and his associates laughed about those scenarios at various points in the recording.”

It isn’t clear why Motherjones forgot to label their article as ‘opinion”.

Source: The Republic Brief