‘Focus On Your Marriage’: Trump Lawyer Slams Peter Strzok Over Russiagate Tweets

A lawyer for former President Donald Trump responded in a very personal fashion during a Tuesday night Fox News appearance to comments made by fired FBI agent Peter Strzok.

Strzok claimed that Trump’s passports that were seized during the FBI’s Aug. 8 raid on Mar-a-Lago were Russian in a thread on Twitter, appearing to allude to the Russigate conspiracy theory which held that Trump was a Russian agent. He later said the passports in question could be diplomatic.

Trump sued Strzok and others in March over claims that the former president colluded with Russia during his successful 2016 campaign for the White House. Strzok was fired from the FBI over text messages with Lisa Page, an FBI attorney he was having an affair with, that disparaged Trump.

“Here you have Peter Strzok saying, ‘Listen, of course Donald Trump has another passport and it’s Russian passport,’” guest host Sean Duffy, a former Republican congressman from Wisconsin, said. “He is still driving the Russian narrative that after four years of driving it has been discredited, but Peter Strzok and the FBI is still going Russia, Russia, Russia.”

Strzok did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Source: The Daily Caller