Did Fox Ban Trump? AIM’s Adam Guillette discusses in the Epoch Times

Originally published at The Epoch Times
Did Fox News Ban Trump? Experts Weigh In
By John Ransom – August 8, 2022

With the calendar now up to over 100 days since Trump has appeared on the Fox News network, media reports, citing people close to Trump, say that the former president is complaining that the network has turned against him.

Media maven Adam Guillette, president of Accuracy in Media, a conservative media watchdog founded in 1969, warned that Trump’s absence from Fox over the long term is connected to what he sees as Trump’s waning popularity.

“Less Trump on Fox News is both a cause and an effect of his declining popularity amongst conservative viewers and conservative activists,” Guillette told The Epoch Times.

But it also might have the effect of giving viewers a respite from Trump that could ultimately set the stage for his comeback bid in 2024.

“Trump’s absence from social media has made American hearts grow fonder for him and his policies,” said Guillette, while warning that the hiatus needs to be brief for Trump to remain important.

“His absence from cable news will seriously undermine his power as a politician,” he concluded.

Read the entire article at Salon


Source: Accuracy In Media