Watch: JCN Targets Merrick Garland for ‘Cowering to the Woke Mob’

Judicial watchdog JCN is targeting Attorney General Merrick Garland as part of a $10 million ad campaign against Democrats for stoking the flames of violence against Supreme Court justices.

The $1 million Garland ad, titled “Twelve Years,” is premised on the fact Garland and now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh were colleagues on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Pointing out that Kavanaugh is being “harassed, threatened, even an armed assassin was after him” in the wake of the decision to overturn infamous pro-abortion case Roe v. Wade, the ad says Garland “could stop it, but doesn’t.”


The ad calls on Garland to “uphold the rule of law, protect his former colleagues, and the Court.”

“Instead,” it continues, “he’s cowering to the woke mob.”

“Twelve Years” will begin airing Thursday, 101 days after the leak of the opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — the opinion that saw leftists react violently and attempt to intimidate members of the Court to change the opinion.

Groups like “Jane’s Revenge” and “Ruth Sent Us” have been on the forefront of trying to intimidate justices, aiding or staging protests outside their homes.

Garland, notably, has been silent on the protection of justices, forcing Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngking (R) and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) to use their authorities to protect Supreme Court justices in their own homes.

The two governors wrote to Garland asking for adequate resources to protect the justices.

Youngking recently called out the Department of Justice for executing a raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, while also criticizing it for labeling parents as “terrorists” and “fail[ing] to enforce federal law to protect Justices in their homes.”

“Merrick Garland has consistently bowed to the radical left’s agenda, whether it’s calling concerned parents ‘domestic terrorists’ or suing states for protecting the unborn,” JCN President Carrie Severino said in a statement. “What the Attorney General is clearly *not* doing is enforcing a federal law designed to protect judges at their homes, as mobs of protestors continue to harass six of the Court’s justices at their homes, even after the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh.”

The “Twelve Years” ad is a $1 million ad buy in the Washington, DC, market as part of a $10 million total ad campaign — the same amount JCN spent on “several recent Supreme Court confirmation battles,” according to a press release.

The campaign seeks to “expose how Democrats are endangering the lives of Supreme Court justices.”

Breccan F. Thies is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @BreccanFThies.


Source: Breitbart News