Dem Rep. Lofgren: Mar-a-Lago Raid, January 6 Probe ‘Could Potentially Overlap’

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said Wednesday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate “could potentially overlap” with the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

Burnett said, “I want to ask you the point about dovetailing possibly at what we are seeing. What we just saw in Mar-a-Lago and what you are working on with the January 6 committee. Last night, I spoke to Ty Cobb, the former White House lawyer. He told me very clearly that he does not think that the Mar-a- Lago is ultimately about classified documents. Here is why.”

Former Trump administration attorney Ty Cobb said, “I think it is about the underlying big lie and January 6th. That is the big enchilada. I think it would be truly bizarre to bring a public records act charge against a former president as the first time in history of indicting a former president.”

Burnett said, “Do you think he is right? This is about the big enchilada January 6, as he said?”

Lofgren said, “I have no idea, but I think that the two investigations could potentially overlap depending on what these documents are. We remember from Watergate that it is the cover-up that gets you, not just the misconduct.”

She added, “The committee is very concerned about some of the disappearing texts in the Defense Department, the disappearing texts in the Secret Service, the lack of being forthcoming with information until we issued a subpoena to the Secret Service, and the unwillingness of a variety people to come in and tell the committee the truth, the cover-up. Now, if this was material related to that, obviously, there would be overlap. We don’t know that. So I know that people are speculating. The most useful thing would be to get a list of what was recovered. The former president has that list, and I do think that it would be a public service to list it.”

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Source: Breitbart News