A growing number of Democrats question Biden’s viability in 2024

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

A ranking Democrat made comments this week about her doubts that Democrat Joe Biden was planning on running for POTUS again, and she may have spoken too soon- because the media had to jump and get her to walk her statements back.

At the same time that Biden is tanking in his poll numbers, and the Democrats are losing the Hispanic supporters hand over fist, the news is that other Democrats are beginning to see the ‘handwriting on the wall’ that Biden is likely done for. The information is viral that Biden has done significant damage to the party.

Biden is trying desperate measures to stop the exodus from the DNC, but it isn’t working.

Even Democrat cheerleaders are becoming deflated.

On Tuesday, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) was reported saying something interesting about Democrat Joe Biden during an NY1 three-way debate for New York’s 12th Congressional District against Rep. Jerrold Nadler and attorney Suraj Patel of Biden: “I don’t believe he’s running for re-election,” the New York Post reported.

Biden’s historic loss of Hispanics is not the only problem Biden has.

Polls show that Democrats are not happy in general, according to a top Democrat analyst.
Former top Obama advisor David Axelrod says a CNN poll showing that 75% of Democrats do not want Biden to run again is “concerning.”

After Mahoney spoke this week- Nadler was questioned about Biden, “Should President Biden run again in 2024?” And even Nadler couldn’t get enthusiastic about Biden’s potential second run.

“It’s too early to say,” Nadler responded. “It doesn’t serve the purposes of the Democratic Party to deal with that until after the midterms,” the NYP reported.

On Wednesday, Maloney tried to walk back her remarks a little bit after a firestorm of negativity against her, and after the lapdog, the media tried to come to her rescue.

“Mr. President, I apologize. I want you to run. I happen to think you won’t be running, but when you run or if you run, I will be there 100%. You have deserved it. You are a great president and thank you for everything you’ve done for my state and all the states and all the cities in America,” Maloney told CNN’s Brianna Keilar.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) walks back: “Mr. President, I apologize. I want you to run. I happen to think you won’t be running, but when you run or if you run, I will be there 100%. You have deserved it. You are a great president and thank you for everything you’ve done.

“Maloney is just the latest Democrat to not only indicate hesitance about Biden but a belief that he won’t run again in the next presidential cycle,” Conservative Brief reported.

Politico reported:

Even as Biden’s domestic agenda accelerates at surprising speed for an election year — climate, health care, and taxes may follow veterans and manufacturing through Congress this summer — within his own party, there’s been a slight but unmistakable political drift away from him ahead of the midterms.

As Biden polls poorly in battlegrounds while congressional Democrats see a brightened political outlook for themselves, lawmakers are tying themselves in knots over whether to cheer on a second term for the 79-year-old president.

It’s not that they’re abandoning Biden early, just that many see little upside in taking a firm stand either way when that risks alienating either independents or the party base.

Still, despite some potential legislative victories for Democrats, the reality is that the vast majority of Americans are hurting financially: Inflation continues to eat away at any wage gains that have been made over the past couple of years; gas prices are still well above what they were when Biden took office; food, housing, and clothing prices are up as well; and there are enduring supply chain issues and a chaotic southwestern border, all of which are working against the president and, by default, Democrats who control both chambers of Congress.

However, according to recent Gallup numbers, Biden may have little incentive to run. Biden’s reality is that his “sixth-quarter approval rating was the lowest for any president on record at 38 percent.” Conservative Brief pointed out.

The president’s current figure is also the lowest of his presidency thus far, while his average approval over the first year-and-a-half of his term is also the weakest of any other president in the polling firm’s 74-year history, The Daily Wire reported, citing the data.

“A year ago, Biden’s honeymoon period came to an end when his approval rating dropped to 50% amid a surge in U.S. coronavirus cases. Since then, his public support has eroded after the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the highest inflation in four decades, record-high gas prices, and continuing supply chain issues,” Gallup noted in a news release.

“No president elected to his first term has had a lower sixth-quarter average than Biden, although Jimmy Carter’s and Donald Trump’s ratings were only slightly better, at 42%. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan also averaged below majority approval,” the release added.

Source: The Republic Brief