Report: Biden Admin Poised to Give Ukraine $1 Billion Weapons Package 

President Joe Biden’s administration is prepared to send Ukraine a $1 billion weapons package as early as Monday, according to a Reuters report.

The $1 billion weapons package would be one of the largest aid packages the United States has sent Ukraine since Russia invaded the country back in February.

The $1 billion weapons package will include “munitions for long-range weapons and armored medical transport vehicles,” according to Reuters sources, who spoke with the outlet on condition of anonymity.

Specifically, the weapons package will include “munitions for HIMARS, NASAMS surface-to-air missile system ammunition and as many as 50 M113 armored medical transports,” Reuters reported.

However, Reuters’ sources cautioned that the current package, valued at $1 billion, could change before its expected announcement on Monday.

The $1 billion weapons package would come just days after the Pentagon announced it would send Ukraine arms and equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense inventory worth up to $550 million.

“The United States continues to stand with Allies and partners from more than 50 countries in providing vital security assistance to support Ukraine’s defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russia’s aggression,” a State Department press release said.

The upcoming $1 billion weapons package would be funded through the Presidential Drawdown Authority.

As Reuters explained:

The new package would be funded under the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), in which the president can authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency.

HIMARS play a key role in the artillery duel between Ukraine and Russia has been described as “grinding” with very little movement of the front line in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region.

In May, Congress authorized $40 billion in economic and military aid for Ukraine after Russian Leader Vladimir Putin invaded the country, despite Americans suffering from rising inflation and food shortages.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter. 


Source: Breitbart News