Trump at Arizona Rally: Kari Lake ‘Will Be One of the Fiercest Voices’ Against Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump will reiterate to Arizona voters Friday night that he believes gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake “will be one of the fiercest voices in the country” standing up against President Joe Biden, according to Trump’s prepared remarks provided in advance of his rally to Breitbart News.

Trump will speak sometime after 7:00 p.m. at a campaign rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona.

Trump plans to call Biden out for his lax enforcement of United States immigration laws.

“This year alone, right here in Arizona, Border Patrol has reported a 732 percent increase in illegal crossings at your border compared to the same time in 2020, including over 19,000 unaccompanied minor youth being dumped by coyotes and smugglers with no parents or supervision,” Trump will say.

Trump also plans to say that Lake, his choice for Arizona governor, “will do whatever it takes to protect the people of Arizona.”

“No one understands better than Kari how to fight back against the Fake News media and the Radical Left,” Trump will assert. “The media is terrified of Kari because they know that as your Governor, she will be one of the fiercest voices in the country standing up against Joe Biden’s Open Borders catastrophe.”

Trump, according to his remarks, will reiterate calls for drug dealers to get the death penalty.

“If you look at countries throughout the world, the only ones that don’t have a drug problem are those that institute the death penalty for drug dealers,” Trump will say. “If we are going to stop this scourge, it is time to get brutally tough on the dealers, traffickers, and narco-terrorist cartels who are stealing millions of lives. And yes, in many cases, drug traffickers should receive the death penalty.”

Trump will also speak highly of his choice for U.S. Senate, Blake Masters, and criticize Masters’ opponent, Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), for voting in lockstep with Biden’s agenda.

“Mark Kelly is also culpable for the runaway inflation that is crushing Arizona families—he voted in favor of all Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s lunatic socialist spending bills, and he voted to support Biden’s war on American Energy,” Trump will say.

“Blake is a titan of the business and technology world and a brilliant mind who truly supports the MAGA movement and the America First agenda,” Trump will say. “He brings exactly the kind of toughness, courage, and intellectual firepower we need in the Senate to take our country to the next level.”

“It is so important to bring Patriots like Blake to the Senate. The Senate needs new energy and some real courage,” Trump will add.

The former president also plans to call out the Democrats’ control of education through “Marxist educators.”

“One of the first things we will do is to stand up for parents’ rights. It is time to finally and completely smash the radical-left’s corrupt education cartel,” Trump will say. “Our children are captives to unhinged Marxist educators who are pushing inappropriate sexual, racial, and political material on our children from the youngest possible age.”

Trump will also call on a Republican-controlled Congress to “crack down hard on Big Pharma for giving puberty blockers and other dangerous drugs to mutilate our youth.”

While Trump campaigns for his picks in Arizona, including Lake, Masters, Arizona Attorney General candidate Abe Hamadeh, and Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem, former Vice President Mike Pence will hold a competing rally in the state on behalf of his choice for governor, Karrin Taylor Robson, Lake’s leading challenger in the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary.

Pence will be joined by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R), who cannot run for office again due to term limits.


Source: Breitbart News