Schiff: ‘Witnesses Continue to Come Forward’ — January 6 Probe May Add More Hearings

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) confirmed Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” what his January 6 Committee colleague Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said days earlier.

According to the California Democrat lawmaker, witnesses continued “to come forward” to share information with the committee. Therefore, the committee could add more hearings.

Maddow said, “What should we understand in terms of how close to the end you are? We keep hearing from you and other members of the committee that there’s still more to find out, there’s still more to get to the bottom of, that the investigation has turned up a lot of stuff, actually, in recent days since the hearings have been in public. At the same time, it does seem like this is going to be the last public hearing for quite some time.”

Schiff said, “I think at the beginning of this process, when we were scheduling and sketching out the hearings, we did conceive of this as probably the end of this first set of hearings, even while we were considering another set of hearings in the fall that was focused on our recommendations focused on protecting democracy going forward. But as we’ve added hearings like we did with Cassidy Hutchinson, we realized witnesses continue to come forward, and we may very well be adding other hearings to accommodate new evidence and testimony. You know, we haven’t made firm conclusions about that. We want to give ourselves the freedom and flexibility to present to the public whatever we feel the public really needs to know.”

He added, “I think in the next hearing, you will hear combination of live testimony. You’ll hear part of video testimony that you haven’t seen before. And most importantly, we will try to away from it weave it together, so people understand what happened in that period of time when Donald Trump sat in the White House and watched the Capitol being attacked.”

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Source: Breitbart News