INVESTIGATION: Hunter Biden Frequently Met With Joe Biden After Foreign Business Meetings

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Information is being revealed about Hunter Biden’s suspicious activities.

Hunter Biden’s personal iCloud account was allegedly hacked by users, leading GOP officials to call the president’s son a “national security” threat while demanding an investigation, and now a report of what it contained is revealed.

Biden’s personal calendar on the laptop revealed locations and dates of meetings and interactions with international leaders and businessmen.

For instance, Hunter Biden flew to Bogata in November 2011 to meet with Pastrana, where calendar notes also indicate that Colombia’s minister for mines and energy was included in the meeting. Hunter Biden also met with a counselor to Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos later that day, the Post noted.

The Post stated that Hunter Biden was setting up other meetings for Pastrana, including one with Cesar Uzeda, international chairman of OAS.

In February 2012, the personal calendar revealed that Hunter Biden asked Pastrana to meet up while he was visiting Washington D.C.

The report also revealed that Hunter Biden had set up a meeting between Joe Biden and former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana Arango on March 2, 2012.

About eight months prior to that meeting, Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, and Rosemont Seneca were allegedly pursuing business with Brazilian Construction company OAS, which was “interested” in four major projects in Colombia at the time. Among them were two watershed treatment plants worth approximately $380 million and $350 million, a hydroelectric power plant worth $1.8 billion, and renovations to the Bogota Subway System worth $3 billion.

Schwerin was the president of Hunter Biden’s now-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

Schwerin believed – if the OAS deals worked out in Colombia – that the one billion dollar project would pay Rosemont Seneca $5.6 million off of one percent “success fee.”

Emails also revealed that Rosemont Seneca was on retainer for $25,000 per month from the Brazilian construction company. OAS was later entangled in Brazil’s largest government corruption scandal, commonly known as “Operation Car Wash.”

A month later, the former Colombian President allegedly met with Joe Biden at the Naval Observatory, where Schwerin was listed as an invite to the meeting.
Hunter Biden met with Pastrana, along with a Colombia coffee executive, at a coffee shop later that day.

As reported by the Post:

Hunter Biden met Daniel Kablan Duncan, the Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire, on April 15, 2016 in Washington D.C., his calendar shows. The 8:15 a.m. sitdown was quickly followed by a 9 a.m. confab with Vice President Biden at the Naval Observatory. The purpose of his meeting with Kablan is unclear.

Between Feb. 15-18, 2012, Hunter Biden was wined and dined by billionaire oligarchs in Moscow, including one now wanted for murder. Four days after his return, Hunter Biden met with Vice President Biden, again at the Naval Observatory.

On Nov 14. 2015, Hunter Biden met with Romanian ambassador to the United States George Maior, before heading off for meetings in that country. He returned Nov. 17, and had breakfast with his father at the Naval Observatory two days later. Just months after the trip, he teamed up with former FBI Director Louis Freeh to help Romanian businessman Gabriel Popoviciu avoid jail time.

The laptop contained not only contacts for top U.S. officials overseeing the U.S. – China relationship but at least 10 senior executives at Google as well, raising speculation as to how these contacts could have leveraged the younger Biden’s financial gain, the Post noted, writing that throughout this period, Hunter Biden engaging in these connections while his father was conducting sensitive state business.

The Post noted:

“As for the Google braintrust, one former executive there told The Post that Hunter Biden sought the tech giant’s cash for Chinese ventures, and that several of the company’s bigwigs wound up working for the Obama-Biden administration during his father’s vice-presidency.”

Linking the Bidens in these connections, other revelations from the laptop include scheduled meetings between Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden would frequently meet with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, following his personal business meetings with foreign government officials and clients, the New York Post reported.

The meetings were revealed after the examination of Hunter Biden’s personal calendar from the infamous “laptop from hell,” Breitbart reported.

The calendar reveals that Hunter Biden met with Joe Biden approximately 30 times at either the White House or the vice president’s residences at the Naval Observatory from 2008 to 2016.

The meetings would take place days – even within an hour – after Hunter Biden would return home from a foreign business trip or a meeting with a client in Washington D.C.

The Post’s report also reveals that Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, was named as an invite receipt on 21 of the 30 meetings with the then-vice president.

As the president of Hunter Biden’s investment fund, Schwerin reportedly had access to Joe Biden’s personal financial information.

He was recently revealed to have been welcomed at the White House over 19 times before meetings, including once with the then-Vice President in November 2010, according to White House visitor logs.

Source: The Republic Brief