Donald Trump: Democrats More Focused on ‘Get Trump’ Agenda than Addressing Inflation

Democrats are more focused on attacking former President Donald Trump than addressing dire economic issues such as inflation, Trump said on Wednesday in response to the latest report, emphasizing that Democrats are willing to “destroy our Nation” to achieve their goals.

“Inflation just hit ANOTHER 40-year high of 9.1%, which is terrible for our Country,” Trump said in the statement, noting that the prices of individual items, such as gas, are up far higher.

“Fuel prices up 60%, Airfare up 34%, Eggs up 33%—how can people survive this? How can businesses survive this?” he asked.

“Our Country is so weak right now because the Radical Left Democrats have no clue what they are doing. All they want to do is ‘get Trump,’ and they are willing to destroy our Nation to do it,” he continued, predicting that the American people will not tolerate the current economy for long.

“America will not allow this to go on for much longer. Don’t vote for the Radical Left Democrats, vote for America First Republicans—Save America!” he added.

Trump’s remarks follow the Department of Labor’s Wednesday report showing prices up by an annual rate of 9.1 percent in June. As the report shows, price increases in several individual categories are far worse. Food is up 10.4 percent compared to a year ago, gas is up 59.9 percent, electricity is up 13.7 percent, new vehicles are up 11.4 percent, apparel is up 5.2 percent, and transportation services are up 8.8 percent, according to the report. 

Further, real average hourly and weekly earnings for U.S. employees fell one percent over the last month.

The report spells trouble for Biden and Democrats as they head into the midterm elections, as Americans have continually identified inflation as a top issue. All the while, far-left Democrats continue to focus on the January 6 hearings despite disillusionment among Americans, and President Biden deems the latest inflation report as “out-of-date.”


Source: Breitbart News