POLL: More Americans Want Trump To Run In 2024 Than Biden

More Americans would like to see former President Donald Trump run in 2024 than President Joe Biden, but neither candidate enjoys broad support for a potential campaign, a new Politico poll found.

Of all registered voters, 35% reported that Trump should “definitely” or “probably” run, whereas just 29% reported the same answers for Biden, the poll showed. However, the poll is not all positive for Trump, as both men have staunch opposition to their prospective candidacies in 2024 and almost half of the population strongly opposes either of them running.

For Trump, 48% of Americans said he should “definitely not” run, while 46% gave the same “definitely not” response for Biden’s candidacy, according to the poll.

Another concern for President Trump is that a growing number of Republicans believe he “lied” about the 2020 election results. (RELATED: POLL: Most Democrats Do Not Want Biden To Run In 2024)

Of registered Republicans surveyed, 44% felt that Trump lied about the election, up 7% from late June, the poll found. This could be due in part to the Jan. 6 committee hearings—which were conducted in between surveys—reshaping the nation’s understanding of that day’s attacks, Politico’s daily newsletter speculated.

Of all voters, 66% felt that Trump “said the election was fraudulent without evidence,” the poll found.

Trump still leads the pack in a potential Republican primary, however, and the poll found that he would command 52% of registered Republicans in an election today. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would come in second place, with 21% of Republican primary voters.

The poll was conducted between July 8-10, and had a sample size of 2,005 voters. The margin of error was 2%.

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Source: The Daily Caller