Trump-Endorsed Candidate Unseats House Republican Who Backed Creation of Jan. 6 Committee

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

January 6th, 2021 was a day of great pain for the majority of Americans who participated in the events at the nation’s capital, watching the US Government- led by Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Nancy Pelosi, building upon the largest political theater the world has ever seen.

And their drama had a practical use for them each-to crush the political opponents they each put into crosshairs- the supporters of President Donald J. Trump.

While huge groups of Americans were in pain and bewildered at the highly curious loss of President Donald J. Trump in the Nov. 2020 election, Democrats were joyfully hurling abuse at the people who participated in the rally- which was meant to show their support of Trump and his America First policies.

It is evident from even a shallow analysis of the situation that opponents of Trump’s agenda exploited such an outpouring of support and show of patriotism to make the day as dark and violent as possible.

The day started as a show of great patriotism and ended with up to 5 supporters of Trump’s being killed, one of them being shot dead in the US Capitol building- under highly questionable circumstances.

The political violence coming from the established order, and their stormtroopers- the Capitol Police- in DC was mind-blowing.

Making it even worse betrayal,  some Republicans participated in capturing innocent Americans and persecuting them, in the hopes of damaging their target- Trump.

But the RINO-Democrat Axis was not done at merely assaulting and killing supporters of Trump’s, they were getting ready for a well-planned and long trial of persecution that would go on and on for years, even leaving political prisons tortured and left to rot in prison- with no end in sight.

However, as much as the DC ‘Swamp’ team tried to use the media to whip Americans into an interest in their dramas, the majority of Americans do not care at all about what the RINO-Democrats and their allies are creating. Their stories about the day are not resonating with the American people, based on ratings of their latest Televised Drama out of a US House Committee on Jan. 6th.

And yet- President Trump’s strength as a leader of the Republican Party has not been touched by them- in fact- his enemy’s usurpation of our American Republica may have made him and his endorsement stronger.

A recent election gives us a clue of what to expect of Trump’s endorsement power for 2022 elections- and beyond. Trump had given a high-profile endorsement of Mary Miller in Illinois, calling her a ‘warrior’.

Miller was running against a RINO who betrayed the American people.

Ten Republicans participated in impeaching Trump, for the second time, after the left’s insurrection of Jan. 6th when a bizarre and orchestrated – and convenient uprising, led the US House of Reps to stop all discussion of the questionable activity around the election tally from the past Nov and just vote to pass it all and go away in a rush- leaving the American people with no remedy.

And one usurper- who was running for office just got dumped by his constituents, and in his concession statement, he congratulated the winning candidate and Donald J. Trump.

Western Journal reported on the story:

“With the help of former President Donald Trump, Republican Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois defeated a long-time incumbent who had voted to create the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

Miller faced Republican Rep. Rodney Davis in a primary on Tuesday that came about through redistricting.

With 91 percent of the voting precincts reporting, she led Davis 57.2 percent to 42.8 percent in the GOP race for the state’s newly gerrymandered 15th Congressional District, according to The New York Times.”

Local news ran with the story and posted Davis’ comments in his concession:

“Davis has just conceded to @Miller_Congress. In a press release, he says: “I’d like to congratulate Congresswoman Miller and President Trump on their victory tonight. This was a hard-fought campaign, and I wish her the best…”

Davis, in his concession, called himself a ‘Conservative’ which is the epic battle for decades in the Republican Party for most of  it’s members- that being the men and women who refuse to understand the American people, who insist that they are Conservatives- when in fact they are moderates and obstacles to freedom and liberty.

Look at Davis’s statement:

Trump’s actions could signal the end of the moderate or RINO Republicans for good in the United States government, which would be a welcomed event for Republican voters, who have grown weary with the double talk and flip flopping- and who want to see more action in protecting the country from the Marxist left.

“U.S. Representative Mary Miller, a candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump, defeated moderate fellow Republican Representative Rodney Davis in an Illinois House primary that pitted two incumbents against one another due to redistricting, Edison Research projected on Tuesday,” Rueters reported about the race.

And it was a clean sweep for Trump:

Good riddance Moderate RINO Republicans. Hello America First.

Source: The Republic Brief