Trump’s Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, announces she is PREGNANT

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Kaleigh McEnany, former Press Secretary to President Donald J. Trump, was a favored member of Trump’s administration for her ability to both communicate well with reporters and get Trump’s message out -and also to handle the Marxist-Leftist lap dog media who constantly tried to disrupt her communications to the American people.

McEnany never got flustered or moved off of her messaging. Her bright disposition and positivity became a stark juxtaposition to the bruting, pouty leftist media who hated everything Americans love and hold dear.

McEnany was so well polished and determined to do a great job that audiences fell in love with her and loved to retweet her comments and tune in to see her appearances on cable news programming, which horrified the left-so they attacked her constantly.

Undeterred, McEnany, a strong and boldly faithful Christian, McEnany shared her personal life openly, as the author of For Such a Time As This.

In the book, she often refers to her faith in Jesus as a foundational comfort to help her successfully handle the most brazen and manipulative leftists in DC.

The book is a New York Times bestseller and is described on Amazon as:

Kayleigh McEnany describes her path to the White House podium, bringing the reader behind the scenes in the world’s most powerful building and illuminating how faith got her through.

If you would have told me that in the year 2020, I would stand at the White House podium and communicate with the American people as COVID-19 ravaged the globe and violent protests beset the nation, I would have told you that you were crazy. But Jesus Christ had this very plan for my life.

From White House intern to White House press secretary, from production assistant to national television host, from Catholic all-girls high school to Harvard Law School, God has guided my path through uncharted territory. In For Such a Time as This, I will chronicle my journey to the White House and offer never-before-told anecdotes about what really happened within the Trump administration. You will experience some of the most high stakes moments in the West Wing right alongside me as I reveal how faith got me through.

The Bible quote, ‘for such a time as this’ envokes a warrior of the Bible, Ester from the Book of Ester,  also known in Hebrew as “the Scroll”.

Ester is a book in the third section of the Jewish Tanakh. It is one of the five Scrolls in the Hebrew Bible and later became part of the Christian Old Testament.

And now McEnany points to her faith in Jesus, in an exciting announcement about the upcoming birth of her second child.

“It is right on the cusp of Father’s Day,” Brian Kilmeade said as McEnany made the announcement on Fox News Thursday. “There is no more of a supportive workplace to be than Fox News, as a working Mom I can tell you that,” McEnany said. “So thank you to everyone for the support.”

Her co-hosts for the morning were enthusiastic and celebratory.

The Daily Mail reported on the joyous occasion:

“Donald Trump’s former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has revealed that she is pregnant with her second child, sharing the happy news in a live Fox News broadcast on Thursday afternoon.

The 34-year-old, who has a two-year-old daughter, Blake, with her husband Sean Gilmartin, 32, opened up about her expanding family during Outnumbered – which she co-hosts – telling her fellow on-air correspondents that she couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome a new addition to her brood.

‘So my husband Sean Gilmartin and I are about four-months pregnant,’ McEnany shared, adding: ‘What a blessing, we’ve prayed a lot about this, and God just blessed us with a child, a second child to join baby Blake, my daughter.’

The TV host – who was the last person to serve in the role of White House press secretary before Trump’s presidency came to an end in January 2021 – admitted that she has struggled to keep the news under wraps, joking that she almost blurted out she was pregnant to her co-hosts before sharing the news officially.”

McEnany appeared on Outnumbered while her co-hosts applauded with enthusiasm over the happy news. McEnany glowed with joy while she smiled and updated her friends with the news that she was well past her first trimester in the pregnancy.

“I am four months pregnant,” she said.

Saying that she counted her pre-born child among the members of the show, so when someone referred to the ‘five people on the couch- she said- no, make that six”, which is just the perfect way to affirm the life of her yet-to-be-born baby.

“I am not the kind of person who can wait to know the gender, not like my friends who wait.  I already know,” she told her co-hosts.

McEnany talked about the plans for revealing the gender in the coming weeks, even though she admitted that she currently knows the gender of her child.

“We can’t wait to love this new baby,” a co-host said in a beautiful, life-affirming way.


Source: The Republic Brief