Fox’s Hannity Turns On Trump, Demands Pardon For Hunter

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Following the events on Jan 6th at the Capitol, liberals were quick to blame any and all events on then-president Donald Trump.

Now that the Jan 6th committee hearings are underway, evidence is appearing through communications.

Many text messages were sent that day, both about a peaceful rally held in Washington and the events at the Capitol, which Democrats have tried to roll together into one.

Information concerning that day is coming to light through these communications between media and government officials which are being uncovered in the investigation.

During the first day of the Jan 6th committee’s hearings, Fox News host Sean Hannity’s tweets that day with then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany highlighted the unfounded blame on Trump.

American Wire News reported that Hannity’s texts showed him urging the president to talk to “No more crazy people.”

The Daily Beast notes that in other text messages separate from the ones shared in this week’s hearings, Hannity “had expressed concern … that Trump was getting bad advice in the run-up to the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.”

Hunter Biden, who was in the news at the time and remains under investigation reportedly for influence-peddling in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere was mentioned int he tweets.

In May, NBC reported, “From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud, according to an … analysis of a copy of Biden’s hard drive and iCloud account and documents released by Republicans on two Senate committees.”

“The documents and the analysis, which don’t show what he did to earn millions from his Chinese partners, raise questions about national security, business ethics and potential legal exposure. In December 2020, Biden acknowledged in a statement that he was the subject of a federal investigation into his taxes.”

Many have wondered it Hunter will ever be held accountable for the allegations he has, and is continuing to face.

He has at least been facing intense public scrutiny thanks to the increasingly salacious contents of his infamous laptop. Most recently, video stills emerged of a naked Biden brandishing a gun while partying with a prostitute. American Wire News reports.

“In two separate photos, Hunter is seen with one hand on the trigger of the gun and his other hand cupping his penis and pelvic area. In a third image, the remnants of what appears to be crack cocaine can be seen on a plate alongside used and packeted condoms, along with drug paraphernalia and a spoon believed to be used to smoke the illicit drug,” RadarOnline reported earlier in the week.

“What’s even more disturbing is that these sordid photos were captured in 12 days of madness during which the Biden family tried to dispose of the illegally obtained weapon on the streets of Wilmington, Delaware — across the street from a high school, Last year, it was revealed Hunter had purchased a gun illegally in 2018 and failed to disclose he had a drug problem.”

American Wire News reported that in one of the texts scrutinized on the first day of the Jan 6th committee hearings, Hannity listed off what he’d apparently just spoken with the president about. One item on the list was “No more election talk.” Another item, more notably, was “He was intrigued by the Pardon idea! (Hunter).”

Apparently, Hannity had spoken with the then-president about the idea of pardoning someone named Hunter, and the president had liked it.

According to a source “familiar with the [text] conversation,” the Hunter in question was none other than Hunter Biden.

Hannity allegedly urged then-President Donald Trump to pardon then-President-elect Joe Biden’s crack-smoking youngest son to reportedly “smooth things over, American Wire News reports.”

“According to the source, Hannity had proposed that Trump issue a last-minute pardon for Hunter Biden, whose business dealings had two years prior been at the center of the ex-president’s campaign to extort an investigation out of the Ukrainian government—efforts that led to Trump’s first impeachment in 2019,” The Daily Beast reported Friday.

“Hannity pitched the idea in a Jan. 7 conversation, framing it as a gesture that might help ‘smooth things over’ after the insurrection’s traumatic rift, this person confirmed. But ultimately, the idea, like others in the text to McEnany—such as ‘no more stolen election talk’ and ‘attending inauguration’—ultimately went nowhere.”

“It died on the vine,” the source reportedly said.

“One Trump loyalist [said] that pardons for Democrats like Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton had been something of a running joke in Trumpworld, but nothing the former president had taken at face value,” according to The Daily Beast.

“The Hunter Biden idea wasn’t originally Hannity’s, American Wire News reports another source said, though the host, shaken by the events of the insurrection, brought it to Trump’s attention in earnest—along with the others—because he ‘genuinely wanted some healing.’”

Source: The Republic Brief