Trump Devising Counteroffensive Strategy To Dem Hearings

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Populist-Conservative Republicans have decided to show the world the infamous ‘backbone’ that eluded the RINO-DC establishment while they have been in service to the people of the United States of America.

Both the left and the RINOs have betrayed American voters for decades, and finally, there is enough of an assortment of civil servants in DC- to make a move on behalf of the American people and expose it all.

Recall what a circus the RINO-Democrat establishment made of Americans’ lives over the swampy Impeachment theater.

As President Donald J. Trump was busy giving us cheap gas, jobs, and opportunities to make money- the establishment swamp was hounding him and persecuting him roundly, and making it all a public spectacle with nasty show trials in the media, and constant wall-to-wall cable TV coverage.

Here is how the left viewed the tactic of clown show TV to attack a sitting US President:

And now it is time for a counter-movement to highlight the garbage public policies of the RINO left and their usurpations.

And the media needs to move that information ahead covering official hearings for public dissemination, and for the good of the American people.

This bold move is unconventional, brazen, and firey- and the left is likely going to be highly upset about what the firebrand, Trump-supporting branch of the GOP is about to demonstrate.

Hold on to your seat, because it is about to get bumpy out there!

In an exclusive report on the matter by Breitbart, Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik of New York said the programming is aimed at countering “illegitimate” narratives likely to come from the Select Committee on Jan. 6 hearings scheduled to begin Thursday at 8 p.m. EST.

The  “Firebrand’ hearing has gained more attention since the FBI’s arrest of former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro last week, so public interest is now heightened- not a smart for the RINO- Democrats.

Breitbart reported in the Stefanik hearings:

Stefanik said the committee is about nothing more than punishing political opponents and targeting “patriotic Trump supporters.” Further, she noted that it does not even address the actual issue — to make sure the U.S. Capitol has adequate security. Meanwhile, she said Americans are dealing with rampant inflation, high gas prices, a border crisis, and baby formula crisis. It is going to be both a “circus” and “political witch hunt,” Stefanik predicted.

Further, the House Republican conference chairwoman said the GOP is ready to counter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) partisan witch hunt.

“[Democrats] are doubling down looking for any desperate attempt to try to change the narrative. But look, the American people are smart. They see through this, they want a Congress that’s focused on the issues that matter to them,” she said.

“We’re working very closely with President Trump and his team with Leader Kevin McCarthy, with Jim Jordan, and really all of the House Republicans will be pushing back in a rapid response fashion,” Stefanik said, going on to give a preview of what to expect from the party.

“You will see us all over the airwaves, we will be setting the record straight. We will be telling the truth to the American people sharing the facts and also really pointing out how unprecedented and unconstitutional and illegitimate this committee is,” Stefanik continued.

Stefanik claimed that the  GOP members who are participating with her committee – already have “lots of media bookings already set,” while predicting that members are “going to shine in this moment.”

“But similar to impeachment sham one and really impeachment sham two, just out there every single day. Number one, talking about issues that matter to the American people,” she said. “But number two, prosecuting the case against how much Speaker Pelosi, Democrats, and Liz Cheney have failed this country, and they’ve failed to focus on the issue. If they want to talk about securing the Capitol, which they refused to, they have failed to do that job,” Stefanik said, adding that they have instead continued to “shred constitutional precedents.

“They have shred Congress as an institution, and they are invading on the privacy and really the speech and debate rights of all these elected members of Congress,” she said. “And they’re targeting everyday citizens, young staffers who worked on the Trump campaign.”

“It’s outrageous. These legal bills for these staffers are bankrupting these young families. So we’ll be out there leading every single day,” she pledged.

“The left is vicious,” she added, going on to comment on how she thinks all of this will end for Democrats.

“The left is, has been vile. They have targeted me so much in a vicious, vicious way, and I’m going to stand up for my constituents and the American people and continue to speak the truth and work with all of the House Republicans, with Kevin McCarthy with Jim Jordan to make sure that the facts are out there for the American people to know and expose what Nancy Pelosi does not want the American people to know,” she said, adding that Pelosi’s office “is the only one off-limits and that she bears responsibility for the security posture.”

“And if they want to provide excuses, which is what they always do to push back in the media, then turn over the documents. Where are the documents? Where the communications, Nancy?” the New York Republican asked. “Until she does that, we know that she bears responsibility.”

Source: The Republic Brief