George Conway: Trump Led Lawyers in a ‘Multifaceted Conspiracy’ to Overturn 2020 Election

Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that former President Donald Trump led his lawyers in a “multifaceted conspiracy” to overturn the 2020 election, referring to a memo forwarded to attorney John Eastman from a lawyer working with Rudy Giuliani, being released by a federal judge.

Conway said, “The judge is absolutely right to order its release under the crime-fraud exception. It was an attempt to completely overturn the election and to refuse to comply with the Electoral Count Act, which governs under the 12th Amendment—the counting of the electoral votes by Congress, not by the vice president. There’s even a sentence or a phrase in the memo that says, ‘any of the outcomes sketched above seem preferable to allowing the Electoral Count Act to operate by its terms.’ They’re basically saying do anything but allow the law to operate the way it literally says.”

He continued, “It was an attempt to defraud the United States by false pretenses, interfering with the lawful function of government. It is important to remember—this is part of a multifaceted conspiracy to stir the people up, to make them be wild on January 6, to get them to go up on the Hill, to have these fake electors so they can create a pretense that there’s some kind of contest here. Then finally, we get the vice president to violate the law or to swap him out for Grassley and basically have the person refuse to count the electoral votes.”

Conway added, “This was a multifaceted conspiracy to do whatever it took to stop the counting of electoral votes on January 6. That has to be a crime. If that is not a crime, then nothing is.”

On the January 6 committee, Conway said, “Even if it has nothing else than what has already been revealed, to go through all the strands and explain how in various corrupt and deceitful ways, people conspired and attempted, led by Donald Trump, to obstruct this proceeding of Congress and stop a lawful, functional government, the counting of the electoral votes.”

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Source: Breitbart News