Former Trump Aide Posts Searchable Online Database Of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

When Biden’s MacBook Pro was discovered abandoned at a Delaware computer store in 2019, Biden having never returned for it, Former Steve Bannon podcast co-host Jack Maxey, gave The Daily Mail a copy of Hunter’s abandoned laptop early last year.

The Daily Mail had the laptop authenticated by top cyber forensics experts in the spring of 2021. The outlet also commissioned a forensic analysis of the laptop by Maryman & Associates, whose founder Brad Maryman set up the FBI’s cyber forensics unit.

The firm found a total of 142,838 emails on the laptop, as well as 3,465 email attachments and 7,766 calendar events linked to Hunter’s email accounts.

The laptop, originally decried as Russian disinfo by mainstream media, was taken seriously after the New York Times and Washington Post admitted in March that it was genuine.

Republican lawmakers are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the alleged corruption exposed from the laptop if they gain control of Congress after the midterms later this year.

Now, the saga of Hunter Biden’s laptop full of incriminating evidence against the Biden family has a new chapter – emails have now been posted on a searchable database.

Maxey had planned a project to post the emails online in a searchable database but is now beaten to the punch by Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to Peter Navarro in Donald Trump’s Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Daily Mail Reported.

Maxey had been working with IT experts in Switzerland since March to create a searchable database of the emails but said he was delayed by technical difficulties.

He told Daily Mail a searchable database of Hunter’s emails makes it easier to locate messages on controversial topics including the president’s son’s apparent investment in a Department of Defense-funded pathogen monitoring company Metabiota, which was involved in biolabs studying deadly diseases in Ukraine.

Maxey told Daily Mail he and his colleagues have found ‘450 gigabytes of deleted material’ including 80,000 images and videos and more than 120,000 archived emails.

However, Daily Mail had not yet seen any emails that were missing from Maryman and Associates’ forensic analysis.

Maxey has been working out of Zurich, Switzerland after fleeing there, claiming fear for his life in uncovering the contents of the laptop.

The Daily Mail reported that in an interview last month Maxey claimed that one of his copies of the laptop hard drive was mysteriously erased during a public meeting in Florida last year.

‘Last summer I went to do a speech. The guys who organized it were the Jewish Republicans of Boca Raton, about 800 people,’ he said.

‘I was using the laptop before I went into the hall. I took the [external hard disk] out of the computer and stuck it in my pocket. And then I was at a podium for like an hour and a half.
‘When I tried to load it up again the disk was entirely erased. It was as if nothing had ever been put on it. We couldn’t even recover anything from that disk.’ was unable to verify Maxey’s claims.

Zeigler has now uploaded 128,775 emails to a searchable database this week through his organization Marco Polo.

The site,, also allows users to download all the emails for Mac or Windows computers.

The Daily Mail reported that the emails span from December 2009 to March 2019 – shortly before Hunter dropped off his MacBook Pro at a Delaware computer store and never returned.
The database does not include other material from Hunter’s laptop such as text messages, photos, or documents.

Among the thousands of emails in the publicly posted database is the infamous ’10 for the big guy’ message, in which Hunter’s business partner James Gilliar appeared to suggest Hunter should hold 10% of the equity in their multi-million-dollar deal with the Chinese on behalf of his father, President Joe Biden.

Emails posted online by Marco Polo, number 14,603 fewer than the 142,838 emails analyzed by cyber forensic firm Maryman & Associates last year on behalf of Daily Mail.

In a statement on the site, Marco Polo called Biden’s laptop ‘a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime’.

‘Here are the 128k emails from the Biden Laptop, which is a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of “the Delaware Way,”’ the site said, referring to a term often used by Joe Biden for bipartisanship in his home state, but which has come to also mean corruption among elites.

The site also pointed out that the laptop had been abandoned, in an attempt to deter being pursued by law enforcement for posting thousands of emails online.

‘Having seen the lengths that the FBI and other entities in the apparatus have gone to harass citizens who expose corruption… Marco Polo testifies that the contents of the Biden Laptop were abandoned property,’ it said.

‘We do not condone, encourage, intend, or have any knowledge that any other person will or may use the information herein for any unlawful purpose. Marco Polo’s motive is to see justice delivered—to all criminals—by those whose responsibility it is to carry out that duty.’

Ziegler, 26, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Source: The Republic Brief