Durham’s Damning Evidence of Collusion Between Clinton Operatives and Media to Spread Trump-Russia Hoax

New court filings from Special Counsel John Durham show that Durham has a  trove of evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign flooded media with “unverified derogatory information” on Trump—a clear indication that the campaign was working in concert with her paid operatives who were doing the bogus oppo research on him.

According to a report from Just The News, Durham has hundreds of emails, which have now been made public, between Clinton campaign operatives and journalists pushing the false Trump-Russia narrative leading up to the 2016 election.

“Durham recently disclosed several communications with reporters in a filing designed to reject the Clinton campaign’s claim that its Steele dossier and other research should be shielded from public view at an upcoming trial because it was covered by attorney-client privilege,” the report says. Durham argues that the Clinton campaign can’t shield materials based on attorney-client privilege when the materials they’re trying to hide were widely distributed to third parties.

The report also suggests that during Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann’s upcoming trial “the unholy alliance between traditional media reporters and the Democrat machine will be laid bare for the world to see” and that the mainstream media willingly reported on allegations from Clinton’s opposition research despite them being “glaringly weak if not outright false.”

Source: PJ Media


Source: InfoArmed