Emails Surface More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Operation

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

There is mounting evidence showing that it was the Clinton campaign that paid former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to launder fraudulent opposition research through U.S. intelligence agencies, meaning that it looks like we have what is called collusion between many parties- and the collusion was against Trump.

New emails were leaked exposing that prior to Fusion GPS hiring Steele on behalf of the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, the oppo research firm was attempting to sell several of the same Russia collusion lies that would end up in the Steele dossier hoax, to other parties.

An important part of the Rusiagate scandal for people to understand only became clear recently with the prosecution of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann.

Sussmann is a former DOJ employee.

Documents show that Durham’s criminal case about false statements, made by Sussmann, reveals Democrats paid other credentialed individuals to pass, to both the press and the government, fake evidence that supported their narrative about Trump.

“Over the last several months, filings in the special counsel’s criminal case against Sussmann have exposed how he played his relationships with FBI and CIA agents to score meetings to pass on data and “white papers” related to the Alfa Bank and Yota phone Russia hoaxes while hiding their origins,” The Federalist reported.

“Now, a batch of emails between Fusion GPS and journalists made public earlier this week in the Sussmann case after the special counsel’s office inadvertently filed them on the public docket suggest Steele was paid for the same reason: his credentials and connections would hide the political nature of the hit,” they wrote in a recent article.

And the leak of those emails was all by accident.

“In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the high-profile Washington reporter Franklin Foer, according to recently-published documents, did something that would, in all likelihood, get an intern run out of town: He showed a full draft of an unpublished story to one of the co-founders of Fusion GPS, the Democratic-allied research firm notorious for producing a dubious dossier containing the claim that Donald Trump was being blackmailed by the owners of a “pee tape.”

More troublingly still, this isn’t the only time Foer has contravened a fundamental journalistic norm—or the only time his editors have apparently let it slide,” Vice reported on Friday.

The Fusion GPS researchers continued to share the results of their probe into Page with Foer.

Berkowitz on May 19, 2016, told his Fusion GPS boss and the reporter that “some Merrill bond issuances during Page’s tenure” at the investment banking firm of Merrill Lynch involved some “interesting characters,” including Alfa Bank and its founders.

To that email, Foer responded that he is “going to do some work on Rick Burt,” whom he bets “does some work for the Russians.” Foer would then claim in a follow-up email that Burt was on the Alfa Bank board.

Techno Fog reported some more details, and copies of the emails:

“Fusion GPS and Franklin Foer (then-working with Slate, and now with The Atlantic) e-mails – in which Fusion GPS alleges Millian is “clearly KGB.” Take a close look at Foer’s interactions with Fusion GPS. This is the press you don’t see groveling to opposition researchers, begging for their assistance with “omissions and errors,” and pleading that his draft not be distributed to the competition. In other words, entirely consistent with the journalistic standards of Slate,” Tecno reported.

Foer incorporated the early research he exchanged with Fusion GPS in his Slate piece, “Vladimir Putin has a Plan for Destroying the West—and It Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump,” which cast Page, Papadopoulos, and the Alfa-Bank-connected Burt as Russian-compromised associates of Trump.

Foer was also the “journalist” who ran the Alfa Bank tale at Slate just two weeks before the presidential election. Emails exchanged in late June between Fritsch and Foer also show Fusion GPS focusing on Sergei Millian, with Fritsch declaring that Millian is “clearly kgb.”

Fusion GPS continued to exchange emails over the next three months with Foer and other Democrat scribes, such as the Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger and Mark Hosenball from Reuters. Millian was a subject of a July 24, 2016 email sent by Fusion GPS’s other founder, Glenn Simpson, to Hamburger.

In that late-July email, Simpson provided the Post’s “journalist” three email addresses for Millian, suggesting a push by Fusion GPS to have reporters focus on Millian as part of the Russia-collusion hoax.

The law firm of Perkins Coie first hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct opposition research on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

But Fusion GPS did not retain Steele until June 2016.  By then, however, Fusion GPS had already targeted Page and highlighted Alfa-Bank as suspect, according to the new emails.

“Fusion GPS’s communications with the press pre-Steele also focused on Page’s role as an advisor for the Trump campaign and various connections to Alfa Bank,” The Federalist reported.

Steele’s dossier would be used by Fusion GPS’s to frame Page as a Russian agent based on the numerous lies Steele’s “primary sub-source,” that Igor Danchenko fed Steele.

It appears that the Steele dossier served as the basis for the FBI to obtain a FISA court order to surveil Page, and in turn, the Trump campaign.

The emails show that Fusion GPS already had their narrative, even though they paid Steele a retainer, and it appears that the journalists were well aware of the narrative as well.

Source: The Republic Brief


Source: InfoArmed