Trump urges Republicans to act after woman seen stuffing drop boxes in Georgia

Photo: Alamy

President Trump urged Republican leadership to take action against voter fraud after the election integrity group True the Vote released a disturbing video of a woman stuffing ballots in a drop box in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election.

The surveillance video shows a woman who appears to be illegally stuffing a drop box with several ballots in broad daylight in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

“This is 100% conclusive and determinative evidence,” Trump said on Tuesday. “When will the Republicans finally act. Not only was the 2020 Election Rigged, but they’ll do it again.”

“Leadership, for once, must step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. This is your chance. The people, who are disgusted with your weakness and indifference, are waiting,” he added.

The Peach State’s voting processes have been under investigation for months after True the Vote alerted Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of an illegal organized ballot harvesting scheme in the state, as previously reported by RSBN.

However, days after officials announced an investigation into ballot harvesting, Georgia’s largest counties admitted they no longer possess video camera surveillance footage that monitored drop boxes crucial to Raffensperger’s investigation.

Nonetheless, the secretary of state scored a significant win after the Georgia Elections Board approved a subpoena allowing his team to seize key evidence into the ballot harvesting probe. The state’s elections chief will now be able to obtain information about a whistleblower who alleged to have been part of a paid ballot harvesting operation.

Since late 2020, True the Vote has set out to uncover widespread ballot trafficking in key wing states, including Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The group was able to identify at least 2,000 ballot traffickers across the country using tracking technology.

These jaw-dropping revelations are only a fraction of what True the Vote is set to reveal in Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming film, “2000 Mules.”


Source: Right Side News Network