Trump says U.S. oil supply ‘would have been DOUBLE the size’ of Russia’s and Saudi Arabia’s under his energy policies

Photo: Alamy

President Donald Trump slammed Joe Biden for skyrocketing oil and gas prices at his Selma, North Carolina rally Saturday night.

The Biden administration has “driven the price of oil up so high – the highest in the history of oil – and it’s a disgrace,” the 45th president said.

Trump lamented that, under his administration, the United States would have so much oil “we would have been double the size of Russia and Saudia Arabia put together” in one year. Instead, the current administration is turning to “the Venezuelan dictator,” Nicolas Maduro, for oil.

“We’re sitting on liquid gold, and we’re gonna buy it from Venezuela and other countries,” he said incredulously.

Trump also noted that while Biden has attempted to use the war in Ukraine as an excuse for increasing gas prices, costs were on the rise before the war began.

“Long before Ukraine, Biden sent gas prices soaring with the fringe, left-wing energy policies inspired by the socialist joke known as the ‘Green New Deal,’” Trump contended.

Concluding his remarks, Trump added, “If Biden wanted to, he could lower gas prices tomorrow. All he has to do is come out and publicly admit that his anti-American energy policies were 100 percent wrong and the pro-American policies of a certain president that you liked a lot, President Donald J. Trump, were 100 percent right.”

The crowd signaled their approval in response, erupting into applause and chants of “We love Trump!”

As the costs of gas, food, and other necessities continue to rise with inflation, these issues will likely be key in the upcoming midterm elections.


Source: Right Side News Network